
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Why is it that the older you get the harder it is to keep in shape. I just hit the big 3 0 this year and am completly unhappy that I have let myself go. I am not extremely overweight, but enough that I dont want to look at myself.
I get bored walking too so it is hard to keep postitive thoughts when "dieting" any ideas?


  • snowness
    snowness Posts: 71
    I have the same general fellings towards dieting and I easily get bored with workouts. What has helped me is thinking of this not so much as a diet because a diet indicates something that i cannot continue or keep up with the rest of my life, but thinking of this more of a healthy lifestyle typ change. Something that will help me lose weight and get where I want to be and is also something I can realistically maintain the rest of my life.

    for workouts I love Tae Bo and pretty much anything Billy Blanks and Billy blanks Jr. because they are all high energy and fun to do. If I am going to do something I tend to get bored with like walking I try to find someone to go on the walk with me so I have someone to talk to and keep my mind off of the blah.
  • toricaldwell
    toricaldwell Posts: 4 Member
    Dieting SUCKS! But with myfitnesspal, I don't diet, I just make smarter decisions. I also try to avoid "exercise," instead I prefer to do fun activities that burns calories, but isn't mundane... such as playing Just Dance with my daughter on the Wii. We can play that for an hour and it just be a fun thing to do and not something I dread doing! Swimming is also another great way to burn calories without feeling like you are exercising.
  • Normalg
    Normalg Posts: 125 Member
    I used to be fine with treadmills and eliptical, But I started doing classes at gym. Oh my goodness, I love them. I love to dance so Zumba is like a reward to me to be able to go dance. I also do a Swiss Ball Class, Crazy Cardio which burns atleast 550 in 45 - 55 minutes and also a body sculpting too which is awesome, builds muscles. I do pilates too but somethimes it's too slow pace. Relaxing music and slow movement which do help shape the body but I'm still focused on burning fat. Good Luck, I also love jumping rope and a 15 pound weight can really give you a workout at home. Sometimes I trampoline too. I haven't always been able to do these things but I'm down to 197 so I'm much more comfortable doing them now. Good Luck again!!
  • Kristy0728
    Kristy0728 Posts: 63
    I have read as you get older (I am 31) your body needs different things. What kept you fit at 20, might not work at 30, or 40. I took me a long time to find things I enjoy. Mixing things up helps me. Elliptical, yoga, walks, fitness DVD. The weight didn't come on in a week, it will take time to take it off too.
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