People are sabotaging!



  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    People try to make you eat junk so that they feel better about eating junk. It is so annoying. I cave easily to their "Oh, it's just one day!" and I am trying to stop. My friend is about 40lbs over weight and is constantly saying "I will start tomorrow, eat this with me!'

    I try to stick to my guns and stay healthy, but some days it is just hard. I think next time someone tries to push junk on me I'm just going to picture my goal, and eat what I was originally planning on eating.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    I just find it totally amazing to me that your husband actually cares wether or not you eat taco bell with him?? first off, EWW good for you for not eating that crap. I just tell people "That will just go to my butt, thighs, or tummy." and look down at them with a smile. They learn real quick to just keep their comments to themselves.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    'WHY are you pushing food on me?'
    'I, um, I am not doing that.'
    'Well, actually YES you are. I'm really happy with this choice from the menu. So let's change the subject.'

    I have caught myself being a 'pusher' - I had no idea until someone just looked at
    me with a puzzled eyebrow and pretty much said the above.

    The dessert thing - 'I am so full right now. I might have dessert later.' (But you never do) =)