Polyphasic Sleep

Wanted to share a new experiment/schedule.
My BF had done this before. He is starting over again and am giving him company. I need loads to be done.

1. Exercise
2. Learn Dutch
3. Learn Telugu(his mother tongue)
4. Actively participate in his free lancing projects
5. Do my crafty things
6. Manage House
7. Listen to more e-books(am a pathetic reader)

Here's the link to info:- http://polyphasicsleep.info/index.php?title=Main_Page

The Everyman sleep schedule is a polyphasic sleep schedule that consists of a core sleep of 1.5 to 4.5 hours, with 2 to 5 shorter naps spaced throughout the day.

We are following 3 hrs core sleep and 3 20 minutes naps thru the day.
23:30 - 02:30
07:00 - 07:20
01:00 - 01:20
19:00 - 19:20

Gives lot of time in hand.
No side effects. (Since he has done it before and enjoyed, am pretty sure, there will be n o negatives)
Energetic thru the day

i exercise in morning with no worries of running outta time. We both workout together. and reach our offices well in time, after packing healthy lunch for ourselves. :drinker:

We have downloaded music for the same to ipods/iphones. Its cool!


  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    Wanted to share a new experiment/schedule.
    My BF had done this before. He is starting over again and am giving him company. I need loads to be done.

    1. Exercise
    2. Learn Dutch
    3. Learn Telugu(his mother tongue)
    4. Actively participate in his free lancing projects
    5. Do my crafty things
    6. Manage House
    7. Listen to more e-books(am a pathetic reader)

    Here's the link to info:- http://polyphasicsleep.info/index.php?title=Main_Page

    The Everyman sleep schedule is a polyphasic sleep schedule that consists of a core sleep of 1.5 to 4.5 hours, with 2 to 5 shorter naps spaced throughout the day.

    We are following 3 hrs core sleep and 3 20 minutes naps thru the day.
    23:30 - 02:30
    07:00 - 07:20
    01:00 - 01:20
    19:00 - 19:20

    Gives lot of time in hand.
    No side effects. (Since he has done it before and enjoyed, am pretty sure, there will be n o negatives)
    Energetic thru the day

    i exercise in morning with no worries of running outta time. We both workout together. and reach our offices well in time, after packing healthy lunch for ourselves. :drinker:

    We have downloaded music for the same to ipods/iphones. Its cool!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I did a quick research on this and it seems no one maintains this as a daily way of life and it even suggested that you would enter a sleep deprivation state at some point.

    Also, the body will naturally put itself in a sleep state of one period of sleeping rather than blocks so you are trying to change the natural sleep cycles.

    Question - if one is tired more often than not how can one achieve more? I think it is possible for this to work short term but don't see it as a lifestyle. I am a shift worker and I can say I have slept various schedules with naps, etc and it will wear you down (my singularly, humble opinion). Also, with sleep deprivation (occurs 2-3 night) your perception of quality will be skewed and you will "feel" better but be performing subpar. Just a few thoughts.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    What are you going to do at 2:30 a.m.???

    I NEED at least 6 hours of sleep each nigh (better 8 hours!) or I get crabby and useless.

    I also think if you are trying to lose weight, this would interfer.

    But I suppose it never hurts to try. Good luck and sweet, but short, dreams!
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    5-6 people who have been practicing even more strict type of polyphasic sleep have been telling that they have no issues with it. its good. Only problem they face is of socializing. They feel alone when everyone's asleep.
    Well, my BF has followed it for 5 months earlier. Later couldn't coz of the job. Now its flexible at office.
    I know, its said 6-8 hrs sleep is necessary. But, how do children sleep.... Their cycle is somewhat similar. I agree, they dont have to do much. :tongue:

    We don't feel tired frequently. We wake up really energetic after 20 minutes.
    There are five phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM (rapid eye movement). Usually when you are sleeping, you begin at stage 1 and go through each stage until reaching REM sleep, and then you begin the cycle again. Your body relaxes completely in the fourth stage. The Music we listen to compresses the other stages. I know am going thru all stages coz, I experienced all of these:-
    1. 1st stage:- hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks.
    2. REM stage:- dreams
    I don't know about the others. I was in deep sleep.:tongue:

    I gave it a thought that it would interfere with my weight loss. But, still, no harm in trying. Will do it for a month. In case, am not comfy in any way, will add on meditation to it. If, even that doesn't work, I'll go back to usual.

    I have picked the easiest one with 3 hours of core sleep, coz I am, myself skeptical about it.
    Has been 2 days, am fine till now. Lets see in a week n then a month. :)

    And yes, I started working on my site again; and that is what I do, at 2:30.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Children do not sleep that way at all.. unsure the argument. Infants have broken sleep but they also sleep on and off through out the day for a few hours at a time not one 3 core sleep and 3 20 minutes. And children require many more hours than adults.

    I hope it works for you, just unsure it would be long term beneficial -- good luck
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    yup! not exactly the same way. but on n off.
    Well, need to try to find out. Will update regularly.:wink:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Neha--this sounds dangerous to me. I know that many famous people throughout history have done with little sleep but I can't see any doctor would recommend this.

    Realize, too, that your BF, being a male, has a much different system than yours--metabolism, energy needs, etc. etc. etc.--all differ in males than females. He might be able to do this ok--but you might not.

    As with any thing anymore, there seems to be those who support it and those who say it's crazy on the internet. And, it seems you're set on this--so I say just be careful.

    Also, I did note a couple sites that said people doing this EAT MORE because they were up more hours in the day.

    Since you're trying to lose weight, this might be a problem for you!

    Just be careful--listen to your body on this on, ok! And I suggest your doctor be consulted as well.
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    Sure thing! I will be very careful. Don't worry!
    Will give up the practice, if it harms me in any way.
    Nice to see so caring friends. :heart:
    Will take care of myself n my weight.
    One thing to add is:- I finished my menses in least(actually, almost none) pain, I ever did. And was active throughout. I know this may not be new to some people. But, am usually such a whinner in those days.
    Will update at end of the week and also, at end of the month, if I carry it on.
    Love ya all! :flowerforyou:
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    :tongue: sounds exactly like the sleep I got in college haha I SURVIVED :tongue:

    good luck!! let us know how it goes!
  • Mely
    Mely Posts: 166 Member
    Sounds like the sleep schedule of a new MOTHER not a new baby! :sad:
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    Well, we'll know after a week. :tongue: