100 pounds off in one year

It has been one year ago that I started eating healthier, counting calories, working w/ a nutrionist and 5 days a week at the gym. I do three days of cardio and two days of weights. By watching what I eat and counting my calories have helped me keep the weight off and during the holidays. I have not gained any of my weight back which still allows me to eat with portion control. I don't consume any liqour either or eat anything fried. Soda and juice are not allowed in my nutrion only water and diet green tea. When out socializing and food or liquids are limited I look for the one with most protein and fiber. No carbs are allowed at all or sugar. Veggies are very important to my diet with at least 4-5 serving of them daily. I eat 5 small meals a day and that has allowed me to keep the fat off. One other important factor that has helped me a great deal is reading the nutrition labels. Recently I been eating a new source of protein called " Quinoa" and Gold Standard Whey for my intense workouts. Hopefully I can share and learn new things from others here who are willing.


  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    ...how do you eat no carbs? carbs are in pretty much everything...apples, yogurt, rice... not all carbs are bad.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Congratulations! That is no small feat.

    I'm always looking to learn more from others' successes. Please feel free to add me, if you like. :smile:
  • rosiesparkle100
    This is very impressive indeed! But just so you know, there are carbs in vegetables, and quinoa etc. Do you mean no refined carbs like bread?
  • pithole
    pithole Posts: 75 Member
    Good for you!
    My wife and I also lost over 100LBS last year, welcome to the club.
    It's all about discipline, which you apparently have.
    Keep up the good work!