Did you make excuses?

I have been listening to podcasts while working out--Jillian Michaels, Oprah's discussions with Bob Greene, Dishing up Nutrition--and I have noticed something. They all have a segment where they take calls from the audience and I have noticed that many people make excuses for why they can't eat right and exercise. The stars of the podcasts try to talk them through it. I realized that I used to be like that! I can't work out because I don't feel good or I need to sleep in because I worked late last night. With food, it was always something--healthy food is so hard to access when I am so busy.

All excuses! Yeah--accessing healthy food is sometimes difficult but I do it anyway. If I worked late last night, I just have to get my butt out of bed anyway because I know I will regret it if I don't.

So, what were your excuses and how do you feel about your old self?
