how many calories does a women eat and be safe?



  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    wow you must be really fit. I couldnt do that, I have to many things physically wrong but who knows maybe one day.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I know it's discouraging but just because the scale isn't reflecting weight loss, it doesn't mean you're not getting results. You could be losing inches - in other words, losing body fat and gaining muscle instead. Try taping yourself in addition to checking your weight and that might help explain the lack of loss on the scale.

    BTW, it's recommended not to go below 1200 calories for women or else your body will do what it needs to survive thus slowing your metabolism and storing any fat.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    yeah I was confused when I first started I think I over ate cause I thought I was supposed to.Then it was under but the worst was I have a problem were I can be good a week or 2 sometimes a little longer.Then I go out and will eat with friends like this past sunday and ate so much I almost threw up.The whole day really.I was upset after leaving church,then a upsetting call from a aunt,and then just moody.So I ate a huge burrito supreme from a local mexican rest,refied beans and cheese,rice&cheese,and then on top of that id been throwing back a ton of chips and cheese dip and salsa and a non alcoholic strawberry daquiri. I walked that night I believe..but I still felt bad. I cant seem to control myself sometimes.I dont know why it happens.It makes me feel bad and guilty :cry:
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    "Im older too just turned 34 so maybe thats why?" RU kidding me? when i read older i was thinking 60+, then i read 34..
    pffft... we are peaches! :-D

    ya 34 is not older! I'm thinkin older is like 60ish! We are yunguns :wink:
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    lol my brain and mouth dont add up sometimes lol I feel like a teenager at heart my body feels like im 70 or 80 sometimes. I meant I dont feel as energetic as I was as a teen and early 20s:happy:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I meant I dont feel as energetic as I was as a teen and early 20s:happy:
    You wait till you're not heaving all that weight around all day, you'll be amazed how much difference it makes to your energy levels!

    You've already done well to get to where you are now. Is there anything else you can do for yourself when you feel down, instead of eating? Do you enjoy relaxing baths with special scented bath oils for instance?