Exercising at home



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Push-ups, squats, the plank, lunges, bicycle crunches. Do this in a circuit and you're golden.

    Pull-ups and hand-stand push-ups (using a wall, or without if you are agile enough)
  • MisstoMrs2012
    I don't know, ive got the Wii fit and I do Jogging or Step Aerobics on it and its an ok work out, the jogging you can set for a think 30 mins but the steps i just keep going over them and do half hr or so.
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    I don't know, ive got the Wii fit and I do Jogging or Step Aerobics on it and its an ok work out, the jogging you can set for a think 30 mins but the steps i just keep going over them and do half hr or so.

    I agree - I love my Wii Fit and think it's a pretty good workout for days when I need to get something in but don't have a ton of time!! Wii boxing is also a great one!! But I guess it all depends on the person! Right now, for me - I think Wii Fitt is amazing and I would call it a work out :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Push-ups, squats, the plank, lunges, bicycle crunches. Do this in a circuit and you're golden.

    Pull-ups and hand-stand push-ups (using a wall, or without if you are agile enough)

    Run your stairs, box jump to your second/third step, if it is feasible in your home, take a lounge chair, love seat or sofa and push it up and down your hallway as fast as you can.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Go run/walk in the rain! It's a blast every now and then! (Caveat: don't go if it's lightning!)

    Absolutely! Walking in the woods is a blast in the rain. And I trail run rain or shine. Tree cover helps, but won't keep you dry - but who cares? People miss out so much by staying in during rain. In fact, I met my wife hiking on a rainy day! Had either of us stayed in we would never have met since she is from out of state and would not be on that trail again.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Check out youtube.com/genghisgirl

    AWESOME workouts!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have to disagree about the Wii Fit Plus, I use it on a regular basis for strength training,
    yoga and aerobics and I do get a good workout. Just last night i did Dance 2 on the
    Wii, three songs done twice each and I was soaked when I finished.
    I also do DVD's for strength training, If you use your Wii at least 30 mins a day you will
    see a difference. There are also challenges on this site you can join for the Wii.
    When the weather isn't good as we have had rain for days here, I still get my exercise
    in. :bigsmile:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    I have several workouts you could do a home in my blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/rileysowner
  • thegreateststarr
    Do TABATAs. Go to youtube and look up YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES. Do 5 sets (20 minutes total). It is AMAZING!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Do TABATAs. Go to youtube and look up YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES. Do 5 sets (20 minutes total). It is AMAZING!

    I second tabata.
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    Do some heavy housecleaning!

    When I don't feel like working out (I have 4 workout DVD's) or just too "lazy" to go out or the weather is bad, I'll clean house for 3-4 hours. YES! Housecleaning can burn lots of calories (as long as you don't take too many coffee breaks, lol!).
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    If not here's a little workout for you!!!50 jumping jacks, 20 pushups, followed by 30 crunches, then 25quats....boxing jabs, both sides 25times...knees up running in place, lunges, then do 30 more crunhes....followed by 20 more pushups...and you can just be creative...switch it up from cardio to strength!!Good luck!!:bigsmile:

    I am going to do this with my daughter today!