2 months in and I've lost 25 lbs



  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    You're doing great. You should take some pictures, even if you don't post them. It will be so fun to see them later. I am taking a picture every ten pounds and will have the courage to put them all up here one of these days!
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Try carrying around 25lbs of potato for a day and I am sure you will feel the difference. I am will to bet you if you go buy a size 20 pants they will notice. It is hard to notice a lost if you are hiding in the same size clothes. Big clothes make you look bigger not smaller. Congrats on a job well done!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Eh, nobody's noticed my weight loss either. I've lost 10 pounds, which for me is almost an 8% loss, and have gone down at least one size. It's a subtle difference, but I really noticed it when my pants started falling off me. I've noticed the difference in recent photos as well.

    So don't be discouraged, just keep on truckin' and eventually people WILL notice. =)
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Congrats! I've noticed that when I lose weight, I lose it in the small areas of my body 1st - face, arms, etc. Just keep doing what you're doing. They'll notice in time when it starts to get warmer and you're wearing less clothes and lighter fabrics. Here's something to try out: In my "fatness", I always wear dark clothes. Now that I've lost some weight, I've been wearing bright tops. I've noticed that on the days that I wear my bright tops, I get more compliments. Try it and see if it works for you.
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    Great job! Stay on track.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    25 lbs is awesome! and in two months. great work.

    there is a thing called the Paper towel theory - google it, it should help.

    keep it up!
  • ajfro
    ajfro Posts: 26
    Congratulations! That is excellent.
    Honestly, I think it really depends on how your weight is distributed.
    after I lost 20 pounds last year, I barely noticed a difference.
    Keep going..you will get there!!!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Good for YOU! I mean that. It's about YOU. I know it can be a need for people to notice. And it can hurt when they don't. But - please pay attention to this amazing fact: YOU did it. You are taking control, looking to get healthy, thinking about your loved ones - those are great things that can motivate you.

    That others notice is gravy. (Or a low-fat alternative.) Just keep focused on you.

    As other have said, *if* you can afford it, buy something that fits better. New, fitting clothes will go a long way to making you "snap" in other eyes. If you've always been wearing three or four common outfits, a new outfit will make them look and then think, "Hey, she's looking good."

    But I haven't done that yet myself. I'm waiting to hit my first mini-goal (2.5 pounds away!) and when that happens I'm going to buy a size-smaller shirt that I want.

    Good luck on your journey, and we are so glad to see your progress!
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