New here and need help

matchpek Posts: 15 Member
Hi everyone. I'm Jill - and I'm trying to get my life back again. I'm tired of this weight creeping up every year. I know I have some hard work in front of me but I know I can do it.
The hard part for me will be meals. I am a single mom of two teenage girls and I work full time so i don't have a lot of time to cook. I try and fix something every night instead of going out but its hard sometimes because we are in a time crunch. I have been reading some posts from people and a lot of things sound so good but I need quick easy recipes. Today is my first day on here and I have about 600 calories left for the day. I have no idea what to fix for supper now. I wish the site would have a tool to suggest meals for you based on the calories you have left.
Any help on this?


  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    baked or grilled boneless,skinless chicken breast is less then 200 calories,,then just add a side salad to go with it.....this is my meal alot with my kids not wanting to eat the same as me,,I always keep salad fixings on hand.....
    Good luck to you,,feel free to add me as a friend if you would like too...
  • slc4774
    slc4774 Posts: 4
    Welcome. To save time, I double recipes so there are left overs. Some things that I cook are Taco Soup, Chicken enchiladas, and other casseroles and I add extra veggies. I try to make stuff on weekends when I have more time and have them for lunch during the week. I make fruit salads to have around for something sweet. I notice I do better when I cook up vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli to have around to fill myself up during the day. If I have something healthy to grab, then I'm less likely to eat something unhealthy. Good luck.
  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    good luck and we are having turkey breast tonight skinless of course...and don't forget if you blow it one day tomorrow will be better!!
  • Franola27
    Franola27 Posts: 30
    We do a lot of creative casseroles...using cubed chicken breast and zuchini, low cal turkey kielbasa and zuchini, turkey meatloaf etc. that serves me, my hubby and son for usually 2 days....that might be an option for you and your girls. Also, not sure how busy your kids are but maybe you can break up the mealtime chores to include the girls making 1 dish a week or making it a family activity to increase nutritional awareness and get some help? Just a thought.. I have added my grandma's meatloaf recipe, a quick easy greek skillet meal, kielbasa and taco salad recipes in the database here so hopefully you can find them and use them. If you are not able to find them, email me and I'll copy and send them to ya! You can do it!!!