Muscle Building Exercises without weights



  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Thank you for your advice... I hadn't thought of the wrist strap thingies. i will ask my son, he's a hs wrestler and may have an idea of what kind and sourcing info. Last night I started doing some of the stuff I want to add resistance to later in order to help the smaller muscles around the joints get a little stronger. I tend to get waylayed by either injury or illness when I try to pump it up super quickly. Less on the inuries these days but still seems like my immunity drops some when I amp it up. Like lactic acid buildup makes me more likely to catch something.

    thank you again, I have actually taken a look at the site you mentioned.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    really old post, but BUMP so I can come back for some of these exercises/ pushup app :)