Calorie Intake

I recently started my exercise and diet plan... the plan I chose calls for Loads of veggies and greens which to me is just fine as I am never hungry even with my 6 meals a day. Due to the amount of veggies I eat in the day my calorie count is always low, the amount of fat I eat per day is down lots and I usually keep my sodium low. I eat my alloted amounts of protein every day, take my multivitamin. I am having great results and am losing consistantly. I always have energy, honestly I don't think I've felt this great in years. I've lost a total of 14 lbs so far and 3 pounds since I started on this site. I don't want to jeopardize my health am not quite understanding why it calculated my daily calories I should get as high as it did.


  • ambercarley
    ambercarley Posts: 11
    lol... I just posted pretty much the same question.
    I know that every body needs at least 1200 calories/day just to stay alive, but it's hard to reach that sometimes. I feel weird b/c I'm so overweight, but eat less than I'm supposed to. Do you feel the same way?
    I don't know how to add more calories without adding more fat, but if I find out, I'll let you know. Feel free to friend me.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I started 6 week body makeover plan and big thing about it is adding foods without over adding calories or too many carbs or too much fat as well as too much sodium. I find myself reading soooo many labels its not funny. I find without adding too many carbs or too much fat the calorie count is lower. I eat lots of veggies I am never ever hungry. I get tons of vitamins and way enough protein for the day. I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing and if I see I'm getting too tired or anything I'll change it. So far I've been on it for about 10 days and I've lost 14 lbs. I'm actually eating alot more food quantity just eating smarter. :happy: