New Here

Hi everyone! I'm new here, just started using MFP on Friday. I have 50lbs to lose, and have been using my treadmill, xbox your shape, and the 30 day shred. I have been trying to exercise an hour a day, and have my calorie goal per day is set at 1200. My question is about eating the calories back. Do I really need to do that and what happens if I do not meet the 1200 calorie intake? I am very new to all of this and trying to understand the starvation mode and all of that so please be kind =)

I am 5'2 and weighing in at 175 this past Friday. I was always thin until the year after my 4th child (she is 9) but I had only gotten up to 140 so I wasn't worried about it. Obviously that let to more weight and a 5th child 2 years ago and now I am here. I am not a person that eats and eats. My problem is skipping meals just because I don't feel hungry, and doing much of nothing at all throughout the day. Not to mention my addiction to Turkey Hill Iced tea!

Since starting on Friday I have 1-2 cups max of tea, and I am trying my best to eat healthy but that will take time and knowledge. I do drink 8-12 cups of water per day so I think I have got that part covered. Anyway any advice you could give would be very appreciated!
