Popular restaurants

Well, I barely ate any food at Jack Astor's and my calorie intake skyrocketed so I feel a bit bad about myself.

I live in Canada, so what are some healthy restaurant chain options that I can have in the future?


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm not in Canada, but I travel all the time for work and I can share my tips and tricks. Eating out is unavoidable with the amount of travel I do.

    Plan ahead. For example, tomorrow night I'm going out to eat with some co-workers and I've already looked up the menu online along with the nutritional information and have two menu options in mind to keep myself on track. Many restaurants have the nutritional information available, but you have to ask for it. Online you can find most information. I also plan where I'm going, so I know what options I have before I go there.

    Portion control. Some meals are just too much... I won't eat until they bring me a take out box. I'll split the meal up by putting pat of it in the take out box and then start eating. This way I don't clean my plate or continue to eat after I'm full. In the absence of a box, I'll divide the food on my plate and just use self control to not touch what I set aside.

    Stop when you start to feel full or think you should feel full. This sounds silly, but I actually tell myself to stop when I think I should be full even if I'm not. As I've adjusted to eating smaller meals, etc. I actually feel full appropriately now, which is kind of wild. I used to never feel full and about 10-15 minutes after eating I would feel miserable from over eating.

    I eat at Tim Horton's sometimes which is a Canadian chain, but they have many less than healthy options on their menu also. lol
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I forgot to add, part of why I plan ahead what to order is so I don't look at the menu. I already know what I want before I even walk in. This way I order what I planned for and am not tempted by something else.