Well, hi... Diabetic and wanting to live :)

Hello...I've been using the diary portion of MFP for a little over a month now, and I love love love it. I've checked out the forums here a bit, and like the community and encouragement I see, so I thought I'd jump in too...

about 5 weeks ago I put off procrastinating and went to see the doctor for my first diabetes checkup in about 2 years - I maintained my regimen of oral meds for that time, but never really cared about my diet or exercising. I've been a type 2 diabetic for about 12 or so years, and never really took it seriously, just doing "just enough", but just enough wasn't cutting it anymore.

A1C: 10.8
Fasting Glucose: 245
Weight: 288
Blood Pressure: 145/90

Good times. I have a 6 year old daughter, and am divorced with 50/50 custody, and the shocking reality of the numbers settled in, and I made a pact with my doctor that I was ready to turn things around. He suggested Insulin, and to my surprise, although it was a terrible emotional day, the regimen of poking myself in the stomach and injecting shocked me into seriousness.

5 weeks later and I've built a diet around my observations of glucose, and the android app's calorie limits, and I am finding myself having fun with it. My numbers have been relatively normal (fasting BG under 130, BP about 120/70) for several weeks now, which motivates me immeasurably.

I also started exercising - mostly walking, at as brisk a pace as I can without feeling out of breath and like my legs are going to explode, and the result of my combined efforts is about 13 pounds of weight loss so far. My doctor is amazed, I'm amazed, and most importantly, I'm excited about the future and my disease.

So anyway - Hi. I'm Chris. It's good to be here. This app is amazing, the website even more so, and the community seems stellar. I'd be happy to be your friend, I've found accountability and encouragement to be vital in this new journey.

See you around,

Chris, Aka Ping


  • nymamiyankee
    you're doing great..im also diabetic Type 1 and found MFP very helpful in lowering my blood sugars..ive lowered the amount of carbs that were originally calculated for me, but that was my choice. Keep up the good work...
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Wow Chris, thats great that you got that check up and now you can work on getting yourself back on track!!! Good job on tracking everything now! You will feel so much better!!! Good luck to you =D
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Gestational diabetes with my last baby is what motivated. At that time, my dad was diagnosed as Type I and they were talking about taking off his leg because of poor circulation. He the proceeded to tell me that I would get diabetes eventually. Me, being the stubborn *kitten* that I am looked at him and I said, "there is no way that I'm going to let something that I can prevent kill me just because you think you know more than the doctor."

    I then proceeded to lose 90 lbs, putting myself in a healthy weight range. I'm now pregnant with baby #4 which is my last and I have no chance of GD, I've gained 35 lbs - which is SO much better than my typical 70+ and I'm 34 weeks now and still at the gym!

    If I can do it, you can do it!!!
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    You seem to really be READY! That is the most important step. With total commitment, you can realistically be off all meds w/in a year! I am a nutritionist and nurse and would love to help you!- Michelle
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    Wish you all the best on your journey to better health. I had high blood pressure this time last year and was put on meds because of it. I even exercised 5 days a week up to that point but unfortunately it did not help. It goes to show you how important diet is. I was put on to this site shortly after being diagnosed and have subsequently lost 30 LBS and have gotten off the meds. I have normal BP, my cholesterol level went down to 131 from 189 and I am in the best shape of my life. Stay strong and keep pushing. You have a whole community here backing you up.
  • blessed9993
    blessed9993 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Chris! Your story is inspirational. My grandmother passed away due to her diabetes. I've watched her go through the shots in the tummy and thighs. I'm working out to prevent from having it.. It runs on both sides of my family. My prayers are with you on this great journey your taking. Keep it up and don't ever let anything get you down. You can do this.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    Hello, and welcome. I have been using this site since last June and have lost 35 lbs thus far. Right now I'm maintaing with watching what I eat and exercise. I came here do to a family history of diabeties--my father passed away in 2003 do to complications of type 1 diabeties. My sister and an aunt currently have type 2 diabeties. I am determined not to follow in their footsteps. I've watched too many suffer because of it. It is preventable and if you already have it, it is manageable....you are cabable of leading a long, full, productive life.

    Feel free to friend request me for support. I am by no means an expert, but have done extensive research on the matter, as well as having an up-close, personal relationship with this medical condition. YOU can beat this!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Thanks Everyone =)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Well Pingypoo come on down!!!

    Come join my weight loss challenge I just started - "Battle of the Bulge Summer Slimdown"

    we're up to over 80 people and we're doing fun stuff, challenges, songs, and tips daily to get everyone repumped and ready to reach their goals! We've got peeps in netherlands and UK so I post the daily challenges/etc each night (EST) so you all have it when you wake up ;-)

    look through the posts for one that has a picture of a lady/guy holding up a rules sign for a quick snapshot of the rules (i think page 6) and join us!!!