Tattoos and motivation!

Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
I am lookin for longer term friends. I notice that people log on an then give up or just stop using this site. I want people who are serious about the loss to motivate me. Dont want people to disappear just cause they had a bad day. Anyways im looking to lose weight so i can get my back tattooed. Kinda weird but i dont want to be the girl with the stretched out art! Hehe! I like rockabilly, metal and im an open person. You dont have to have those interest to be my friend. You can talk to me and i'll listen. I am a motivator! Anyway if ur interested send me a friend req!


  • JessPearce
    JessPearce Posts: 3
    I would love to lose enough weight to et a back tattoo too! I want to get these amazing looking angel wings down my back, Ive been on the page daily for like a month or more now. I Love IT and could use some motivation myself some days. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I need some motivation myself! Request sent :)
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    Getting more tattoos was actually one of my big motivators. I want to fill in some of my arm, but i feel I need to lose more lbs up there lol
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    I'm going to send you a friend request :0) I'd love to be each other motivators!
    I hear you about the stretched out art!! I have a tattoo that has a big ol stretch mark in the middle of it and it looks so bad :0(
  • TaushasJourney
    I'm sending you a request too! I'm planning on filling out my half sleeve as part of my reward for weight loss. :D I have been using the site for about 6 weeks, have logged on everyday, and I love it! I'm sticking with it! That being said, I would love to be friends with more serious people also! ^_^
  • powerglove
    powerglove Posts: 10
    I would love to be a friend and motivator! I have been dedicated for over a month and am needing some more motivation myself.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Im there with ya... I have 5 tatoos and 4 are on my back and I am rewarding myself after 30 pounds im getting my entire back finished... we all need motivation daily... and I am online most of the day nice having a office job :)... please feel free to add me..
  • auryn2278
    auryn2278 Posts: 22 Member
    I was hoping to get another tattoo when I hit the 50lbs lost mark.... we will see.... still figuring out what I want :)
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there! :smile:

    I've been here near daily for over a year and I call myself a "life time member" because I know I will always need to be aware of what I'm eating if I don't want to go right back up the scale. I'm happy to be a friend.

    I, too, am planning a tattoo reward for my back. I got my last one at 19 and I'm 37 now ~ it's time! I've had the design planned for a couple of years now, so I'm more than ready! About 20 pounds to go & I get mine. WOOT!

    Since you brought up rockabilly, I thought I'd mention my friend's band: have you ever heard of Tater? Or as they're known now, Tater Family Traveling Circus? Check them out. :happy:

  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I want to get my Name written across my back but not until I lose more weight so that is a motivation for me. Also once I get my arms in better shape I am going to get a sleeve.....
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    hello. I am on here daily since January & I have noticed a lot of my friends have given up and not coming around anymore lately. I have sent you a friend request as I could use some more motivation. :)

    That is an awesome goal to get a new tattoo. I have been wanting another one for a while. I know where I want it, but not what I want!
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    I just started using the site but I love the idea of making friends that are going to be around for the long haul. My gify to myself once I hit my goal of 50 lbs is to get the tattoo on my back recolored. Consider yourself one friend richer!
  • lauramae81
    lauramae81 Posts: 22 Member
    She's a great friend to have on here, and she's definitely not kidding about her being supportive! As far as the tats go....when I meet my goal, I want to finish my sleeve and also get a pin up of Snow White on my outer thigh!! Can't wait!
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    Friend request sent.

    Love the idea of getting shape for a tattoo, but I would have thought that what you would not want is to be skinny, get the tattoo and then get bigger (which would stretch it). If you get one when you are bigger and loose weight then would it get skinny with you??

    Definitely a tattoo would get out of shape if you increase or decrease, so it is great to see you here working your body canvas into the shape you want first. Making it a lifestyle change will keep your art pristine !!

    I have an idea for a back / shoulder / quarter sleeve in mind, but I need to loose my wife to be allowed to get it done. Wonder how many calories that would be :)
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I have the same reward planned, a full back tattoo once I hit my goal weight, been busy saving up for it as they are so pricey.

    Have you set yourself mini rewards? Once I get half way I'm going to have my first design consultation as I'm expecting it to take a couple of months to get a design I'm happy with.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I also have tattoos as my weight marker rewards... I need to find some friends that are here too.. I am ready to change my life and lose this weight

    If you need a friends to help you I am here for ya... sent you a request...

    If you want to find out about me check out my page or blog
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Tattoos and motivation - they go hand in hand! Me, I have 4 tattoos on my back and want to feel secure enough to actually show them off! Also, when I reach my goal, I want to get a half sleeve done ... SO EXCITED!!!

    Feel free to add me for support/motivation - I think we need all we can get on this journey!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    My final reward after losing everything will be an entire shoulder piece; and i cant wait for the day i can wear a tank top to show something like that off! I only have 1 tattoo right now, but its on my wrist, not something that will get stretched (and the type it is, would be ok if it did stretch a little). I would love a back piece, but havent thought of anything that i want (Everything i get tat'ed will have intense meaning to me). I also have one in my for over my heart but have to loose weight first for that too. I also want some piercings, like my eyebrow, but not sure how weight will affect those, eyebrow piercings tend to push out, and throw in weight loss in the mix and im sure it would just help it push out faster.

    Im a goth chick; 26, from oregon (near portland). feel free to add me. Ive logged in everyday now for 74 days (havent missed a single day since i started my weight loss), and ive lost 32pounds in those 74days; im very serious. I cant excercise a whole lot due to a severe car wreck i was in, but im working on getting some mobility back and its definetly a process for me; so i rely on diet alone to loose the weight, and so far its worked for me.
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    I think that anyone who has or will have a tatoo should want to put it on the best canvas possible. I have a half sleeve, front quarter panel. Looking to cover one on my back with a large piece when I hit my goal. Always looking for motivated friends so I will send you a request as long as you post your tats when they get done. I would like to see everyones work on here that is posting.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    ooh i want a back tattoo as well! i will add you :) i login daily from my phone to track and usually every other day if not every day to get on the boards :)