Hello All!

Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Everybody,

I've been on here for a couple of weeks and finally decided to introduce myself. Right after college, in 2006, I moved in with a guy friend who had a horrible diet. I gradually started to eat like him and ended up gaining about 40 pounds in a little over a year and a half. After realizing how much weight I had actually gained (didn't have a scale), I decided it was time to change the way I thought about food and exercise. I didn’t come from a family that exercises or watches what they eat and it definitely influenced my way of thinking. So I decided to join weight watchers, since I knew people who had had success with it. When I started I weighed 195 pounds, I’m 5’9”. I lost about 30 pounds in a little over 6 months, which was awesome because that was my goal.

Now that I’ve reached that goal, I’m still not satisfied with the way that I look. I quit weight watchers (got tired of paying for it) and decided to join MFP. My new goal weight is 150. Right now I’m working nights (6PM to 6AM) which has affected the way I eat a lot. I’ve been at this weight (163-166) for quite a while now and can’t seem to get past this plateau. I’ve been exercising, both cardio and strength training, 4-6 times a week for the last 4 weeks, and I haven’t really lost any weight. I’m usually eating around 1200-1400 calories a day during the week. However, I tend to splurge on the weekends with alcohol. I’m single and live in NE, not a whole lot else to do besides go to bars. I usually don’t go over my calories by more than a couple hundred and that’s usually only once or twice a week.

Any insight on how to get past this plateau would be very much appreciated. Also, any friend requests are appreciated, I love how supportive everybody seems to be on this site!


  • wugga
    wugga Posts: 2

    i seem to have the same issue ! 60 days ago my weight at the strt was a lrge 140 kgs !! with some hard training and food watching im now at 129 kgs !!

    but im stuck !! i cannot seem to get below this amount !! im generly having 1800 calories a day ! but im so drained when i train its beginning to get to me !

    any thoughts or help would be great !!

  • redbag
    redbag Posts: 4
    I will share what my doctor tells me. Increase intensity or distance. My exercise of choice is a simple brisk walk. So if I am feeling like a failure I set my goal up a notch but only for that day. I try not to look past the present 24 hours. Good luck.
  • tdzsdz
    tdzsdz Posts: 1 Member
    Stick with it! Since I joined MFP back in December of 2010 I dropped 17 1/2 pounds by just counting calories with there app. I still eat whatever I want but I rarely exceed my daily calorie count. It has been slow with many weeks of no weight loss and then sudden drops. Afraid I'm not into exercise and that might help to speed up the weight lose but it took a long time to put it on and I'm in no great hurry to take it off. Slow and steady...................
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