Long Car Ride Snacks??

On Saturday I am driving to NC which will be approximately an 11hr drive, not to mention this trip will be at night. Does anyone have any good long car ride snack suggestions?


    XLMKX Posts: 86
    Sounds weird but I take beansprouts, sugar snap peas that kind of thing :)
  • BlessedHeart
    BlessedHeart Posts: 249 Member
    Rice cakes, string cheese, grapes, low cal popcorn, just the first few things that come to mind. Have a safe trip!:smile:
  • monkeyrunner
    Make your self a trail mix with nuts, dried fruit, pretzels!
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I like the Kashi bars and cereals. They are really low in sodium and there are no preservatives in them.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    grapes, cut up melon, apples, banana, low fat popcorn, nuts, wraps for when you need a meal, I find if you wrap them in saran and peel it back gradully as you eat it is the least messy car food.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Trail mix!!! Trail mix is awesome cause you can make your own out of anything you want. I like to put pretzels, some cherios, walnuts, granola, and dark chocolate chips in my. You can also throw in dried fruit, other nuts, your favorite low cal/low sodium crackers... whatever you like!
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    omg!! next week i'm driving FROM nc on an 11 hr drive (overnight) & i was just thinking to myself "what kind of healthy snacks can i pack"... this topic is right on time!! thanks!! i got some great ideas :smile:
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Everyday I have to eat without access to a fridge (I'm out of the house from 7:00 am -8:30 pm). I usually have these kinds of snacks. I just fill up my lunchbox (cool I know!) and go!

    Sunmaid Dried fruit
    Dark Chocolate
    Peanut butter/Nutella Sandwich
    String Cheese
    No sugar added applesauce
    Greek yogurt
    100 calorie smartpop popcorn
  • daniellejg
    daniellejg Posts: 97
    Wheat thins! or Fiber one bars are really good too