little changes that could make a HUGE diff?



  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    to angusfam5, about the splenda: dunno if you've used that stuff before, but I thought I was doing great things by getting that sweetness in my coffee and zero calories - until it started affecting my whole digestive system!! after reading up on it, I realized my problems (which I thought were somehow diet-related, even though I eat very healthfully) - were all because of using splenda. I stopped using it, switched back to regular or raw sugar and honey, in smaller amounts, and I haven't had ANY problems since. it's kind of freaky to think of all the chemicals in that sweetner and the processing that goes on... just my 2 cents anyway! it's worth the few calories for REAL sugar, to me :)

    SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! When I decided to use Splenda to help "cut out" some sugar calories, it messed with my appetite and digestion. In fact, after paying attention for a few weeks, I really believe that Splenda was making me feel even more hungry and may have even sparked a few binges! I stick with the real sugar now.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Spicy popcorn! I had actually never thought of putting spices on popcorn till I saw Rachel Ray do it (I'm a Food Network junkie). Now instead of butter I spray on just a little olive oil (via Misto - which is another GREAT weight loss tool!!) to make the spices stick and use a variety of spices (garlic, black pepper, chili powder, whatever I'm in the mood for).

    Also, I have a sedentary job so I've started using the bathroom one floor down so I have to walk one flight of stairs every time I have to go.

    Actually, cinnamon is great on popcorn. Makes it seem sweet without using any sugar.

    I am not a huge popcorn person, but I looove kettle corn. Not sure if it's available outside the US and Canada, but if you can get your hands on it, it's great! It's naturally sweet, and I don't believe it is nutritionally any different than regular popcorn. It was one of those things I had to try to believe.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    WHEAT INSTEAD OF WHITE! (this could make all the difference)

    Read your labels. Go for the highest fiber & highest protein. (it's ok if it means a little more fat)

    Whole foods are better. Anything pre-processed will be harder for your body to deal with.

    Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I HIGHLY recommend Chobani

    Find a farmer's market. They tend to be organic, without the all the price difference (especially fruits and veggies)

    Incorporate a cup of tea a day into your diet.... Detox teas, Mint teas, and White teas are great cleansers (check out Yogi Teas, they're my favorite)

    Use more leafy greens! They too are cleansers.

    Ok... I think that's enough lol

    I don't know why, but Chobani doesn't do it for me. I am a big fan of Fage. Here in the US you can buy it at Costco for a better price than the supermarket (assuming it's not on sale at the supermarket). Of course that's my Costco - I know not all Costcos carry the same products.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Forgot one...spaghetti squash is just like noodles when you scrape it out with a fork...tastes awesome too!

    Nice tip. I think Richard Blaise did this on top chef- half of the judges thought it was pasta.

    I didn't see that, but I love love love spaghetti squash! I love squash in general (SO good for you!), but replacing pasta with it really allows you to indulge a bit with your sauce (adding meats, etc.), since the squash has so little calories. Typically I will cook one, and my husband and I each get half.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    - I used to drink juice with my breakfast (orange, cranberry, etc). Now I just have water.
    - Snack on dried cranberries (no sugar added) and raw almonds if you need a sweet snack.
    - Swapped all other yogurts for Greek yogurt. It's the only yogurt I've eaten for the past 4 years!
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    i used to rely on dairy so much and every meal would have cheese in it. but ive pretty much cut it out now!

    i lived for a year in a thai household and lost over a stone without even trying/meaning to just from eating differently. they eat a lot of oily fish, lots of chilli, rice is the only carb, lots of little meals across the day insteal of large ones, lots of raw vegetables and garlic. absolutely loved it!
  • Eligabiff
    Eligabiff Posts: 1 Member
    I use Almond Milk instead of milk in my cereal and coffee (if I drink it). I use the unsweetened original (b/c the flavors and sweetened are too sweet I think). 40 calories a cup. Occasionally I use the French Vanilla Soy Creamer if I'm wanting a treat. I don't know what the calories are compared to normal creamer but there isn't any cholesterol which I know normal creamer is loaded with.

    I use Agave Nectar for my sweetener. It is 60 calories a tablespoon but it's considered a complex sugar and all natural (so it's low glycemic) which I like. You can also easily swap it out for white sugar almost every where.

    Currently Vegetarian Times website is running a 28 veg bootcamp. They have four weeks worth of recipes posted that show 400 calories breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas with 200 calorie snacks. You could easily throw in some meat if you aren't vegetarian. The food is awesome (I'm a 10 year vegetarian).

    I tried to use but the vegetarian menu just swapped loads of cheese and fake meat products for meat so I quit. They do have a low carb meal plan though. I loved the idea of the website, I just didn't care for the vegetarian meals chosen.
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    I cut out sugar in my coffee by putting rich cream instead, then homo milk, then 2 percent. Now I can't stand sugar in my coffee, don't like the taste.

    I also cut out artificial sweeteners, I really believe they cause cravings. Mostly drink water, sometime add lemon or lime to it. And I use olive oil and garlic a lot too.

    Good post, I can't wait to read all the tips.