C25K...you are my nemesis!



  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    First you have to stop telling yourself you can't! Just push through it, you will be amazed at some of the things that you can do when you put your mind to it. When I started c25k I would get winded after jogging the first few seconds. But I just kept going and I was totally amazed by how much I progressed.

    It also helps if you have a really good, upbeat playlist to run to. Some songs inspire me to posh harder than others when I listen to them.
  • Two notes (both already mentioned above, but worth repeating).

    a) slow your pace. you're not trying to speed train right now.

    b) repeat weeks if you feel you need to. I repeated a few until I was no longer struggling with them, before I moved to the next.

    I completed c25k last year, and then promptly quit running, and regained all the weight in a couple months. Of course, that was without a diet change, or the support from this site. This time, I have to keep running when it is done.

    I just restarted it, as I feel it is a good program, and more importantly, one I can stick with.
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    You guys are so awesome! Thanks so much for all the tips and encouragement. I wish it was already 5 so I can get out of work and get on that treadmill!

    So far I really love C25K and am really glad it exists, but I think covering up the phone and timer is probably the best idea. Tonight, I'll try putting on a Friends DVD (best show ever! I have every episode memorized lol) and listening to some good music.

    I love coming to this message board, everyone is so encouraging and helpful! Thanks again for all the help!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    If you can move outside - do it! I started on the treadmill and started dreading running. Turns out what I was really dreading was the boredom. When I moved outside, it was harder at first (inclines, having to push off on my own, etc.), but the runs SEEMED shorter because I wasn't staring at a wall or a timer. Now that I'm outside, there are soooo many distractions to the running - scenery, people, etc. I really enjoy running outside.
  • monoxidechick
    monoxidechick Posts: 339
    I am glad that the suggestions are helping and that you are excited to get on the treadmill tonight. If at all possible, try to run outside. This is the only way that I can get motivated and would not make it on the treadmill. I like the tready for walking, but would not be able to keep up the running on it, way to boring. Just my thoughts, fresh air does wonders!!!
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    I was a college athlete and always hated running. I did crew in college, and it taught me how to stay focused on my workout. I'm only on week 1 day 2, but what helps me with the running for a minute is counting. I concentrate on counting the seconds (even though I have a stopwatch on). Try counting to 60 seconds 3x during the 3 minute run. I've found that I am actually a slower counter than my watch, which is great when i look at my watch and realize I'm actually done. It might work for you. It's all a mental process. Physically you prob can do it, you have to outwit your mind.
  • Cupcake888
    Cupcake888 Posts: 3
    I used to be the person who would see running groups go by and think what is wrong with those people. Why are they running in this heat or rain or whatever and guess what? Now I am one of them. I started C25K 7.5 weeks ago and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be able to run for 25 min straight never mind actually enjoy it. The best thing for me is to not look at any kind of timer or watch and just tell myself that I am going to keep going until the tones in the music tell me to change my pace. I basically go on autopilot and let my mind wander to the point that I almost forgot where I ran the other night when I came home and wanted to calculate how far I had gone. Also I find the intervals harder than the longer runs so don't loose faith or give up. You can do it and you will benefit greatly health wise! GL!
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It's not just a mind game. Specific physiological changes will happen in the body that make it easy. If you keep at it you can get to the point that running is no harder than walking, as long as the pace is right.

    In the meantime keep the pace slow and you will be able to go further than you think.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    I am glad that the suggestions are helping and that you are excited to get on the treadmill tonight. If at all possible, try to run outside. This is the only way that I can get motivated and would not make it on the treadmill. I like the tready for walking, but would not be able to keep up the running on it, way to boring. Just my thoughts, fresh air does wonders!!!

    I also found on the treadmill it was easier to quit. I could just stop it and step off, if you stop while running, it will take you longer to get home while walking. I purposely map out my run so its one big lap, that way I can't just give up. Also, and this sounds corny, I like to think that everyone is watching me. So, if I'm running around the neighborhood and feel like taking a walking break, just because, I tell myself all those people and watching me and saying, "why did she stop running?"

    Stupid mind tricks, but they work :laugh:
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    SLOW DOWN. If 90 seconds at 4.5mph is making you want to keel over then go 4.2mph. You might feel like you're barely moving but as long as you put one foot in front of the other you're still making progress!! Keep at it! It will be so worth it the day you realize you can jog (or run!) for 2 minutes and still feel like you've got more to give :):):)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    1. Run slower

    2. If you're still really not enjoying it in a few weeks, go find something else to do instead. There are a bajillion and one things you can try. Sorry to all the serious runners out there, but while I'm absolutely loving C25K right now, if the time comes when running gets boring I'll move to another challenge.
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