Exercise Help

I absolutely HATE exercise...except walking. But the weather has been so nasty here lately that it makes getting out to do my daily 3 mile+ walk difficult. I have tried the 30 day shred, and absolutely hate it and the same with tae bo. I know exercise shouldn't be easy, but I don't think it should make you feel like you're going to keel over either. I used to go to the gym, and loved the elliptical and zumba and things like that. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do or how not to HATE exercising. I've lost a considerable amount of weight, and it just doesn't seem to be getting any easier....HELP!


  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    hi...get yourself a treadmill..sorted..wldnt be without mine and put your fav movie on...time flies !!!!:happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    hmm, you should explore this a little more. Why do you hate exercise? Do you hate how you feel physically? Emotionally? Both, what brings this on? Does it start after you start or is it there before you begin?

    Here's the thing about walking, as a personal trainer, I feel that it's good in a limited capacity, it's a decent start for someone who is very out of shape and wants to begin without jumping in to fast, and it's good for geriatric training (in part) and/or for someone recovering from an injury or medical condition (like COPD). But as an every day exercise for someone who is uninjured and able to do more, it's a weak exercise.
    Walking is something our bodies are very accustomed to, and as such, you receive very little added benefit from it, a small rise in calorie burn, and virtually no increase in muscle fiber incorporation.

    If the routines you are trying seem to hard to keep up, go easier to begin, set up a plan that ramps up the intensity over 6 or 8 weeks until your body can endure more vigorous activity, and you should definitely have a plan to add anaerobic exercise in at some point (either now or later) as the only way to get stronger is work to the point of failure. PM me if you want to work on a plan with me, I could help you set one up.
    And no, exercise is never supposed to be easy, EVERY SINGLE DAY I walk out of the gym exhausted, sweating like a pig, and struggling to catch my breath (except on weight training days, then I can breath fine, but still the other two).

    hope this helps,
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I actually looked into either that or an elliptical, but my issue is that I don't have a place to put it. I live in a rental house that is very tiny and have a hard time even doing an exercise video without running in to something.