I'm finding it hard to stay on track

spambubbles Posts: 36 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Lately I've been feeling so blah. All I want to eat is junk. I'm in between a size 12 and 14. Actually, my stomach is a size 12 and my thighs are a size 14. My thighs and love handles are depressing me! Any tips on how to stay motivated and eat healthy 90% of the time?


  • My boyfriend works with a woman who keeps a picture in her purse of what she used to look like before her weight loss and every time she feels the urge to indulge she looks at that picture to remind herself of why she doesn't. Saying that I think that a splurge every so often is perfectly healthy so why not put aside one day a week where you can eat whatever you like? That way you can focus on eating healthily knowing that one day a week you don't have to xxx.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Don't beat yourself up!! Try not to do too much at once. I started on here trying to lose 2 pounds + a week and did at first. Then I slowed down as I lost more weight and stopped losing weight for a few weeks. I am now going for 1 pound a week so I'm eating more, and I feel much better. I am losing again and I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I think that is the key, to not feel like you are restricting yourself. (of course you are somewhat but it shouldn't be to the extreem.) I lost 3 pounds last week!!! I know every week wont be like that, and I'll be ok if I don't lose any this week. I am just looking at the long term. 4-5 pounds a month is good with me if it means I can feel human and not be hungry all the time! Do exercise you enjoy. I have started the Couch to 5K program and I really like it. I'm only in my first week but I feel awesome when I'm done because I am not running until it hurts, just short bursts. Take it easy on yourself. Good luck!
  • nicolebev436
    nicolebev436 Posts: 20 Member
    It's really hard, and I am right there with you. I am also in between a size 12 and 14 and carry most of my weight in the thigh/bottom area. Recently I've been battling motivation as well but what's I've found that is working for me this week (I am a bit of a roller coaster) is small baby goals. so setting exercise goals like to mix it up, or to have a small treat today but skip a treat for the next two days. Also lately my newly found motivation has been to stare at junk food and really decide if it's going to make me feel happy and full or gross and guilty. Friend request me if you want and we can try to motivate each other!! Good Luck :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Stop depriving yourself - that might help. I have my goal set at 1.5 pounds lost a week and that gives me just enough wiggle room so even if I go over a bit one or two days, I'll still lose a pounds a week. Also, a great way to "earn" a treat is by burning some extra calories. Maybe try some different workouts to keep you interested? And try new recipes too. When I start getting bored, new food can help a lot.
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