p90x-is it for me?

I just ordered p90x ,I hear so much about it on MFP...i like to exercise and I feel fit(and I said fit nit skinny) for my age (50) I just wonder if that program is going to be a little hard fo me to follow now.I'm trying to loose some belly fat and trim in general,I used to do a lot of group exercise rutines and have no helth issues.I would love some feedback,Thanks.


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    You should be fine! I love P90X, I started it, but stopped due to wanting more cardio to take off the weight first, but I plan on starting it up after I finish Turbo Fire. I'm 46 BTW
  • focus2bfit
    focus2bfit Posts: 201
    I think you will be fine - work your way into it . . . you will hear this a lot do your best and forget the rest!
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    It will be hard and it will seem complicated, at first. After a couple of weeks, you will love it!