Screwed up my shoulder - again!

I'm beyond depressed right now. Last week I overdid it at the gym and aggrivated an old injury to my right arm. 2 years ago I pulled every muscle in my right arm/shoulder and herniated my C6 disc. I was so excited that I was doing so well at the gym, I pushed a little too hard and I'm in excruciating pain now. I went to the doctor's last Thursday and she gave me some pain meds and antiinflamatory meds to help me through this week and next. I'm so upset. I feel like I've just thrown away all the hard work I've done over the last few months. I'm not even eating right because I'm just not motivated - and that sucks. I need to get my head wrapped around this again and get better. Once the shoulder stops hurting, I know the PT to do to get myself "right", but it's not the same as really pushing myself at the gym.

Can anyone think of any good videos that are light on the upperbody work? I was dying to try a 30 Day Shred or something but there's no way I can do pushups or planks or squat thrusts. Aside from walking, I can't think what to do - I've got a mental block on it.

Sorry for whining, I'm just SO agrrivated right now.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The only videos I've tried that don't have much upper body are Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansome and Hip Hop Abs. HHA does have some upperbody but you could go with the lighter version or just leave out the arm movements.

    Maybe check out Netflix or your local library for more options?

    And there's nothing wrong with a good long walk!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    You're right Nay, the weather here in New England isn't helping any. We're on Day 4 of a 10 day rain streak.