Looking for a Virtual WORKOUT Buddy who uses Wii Games for E

If anyone is looking for someone to check in with a few times a week to get & receive mutual motivation regarding sticking to our workout schedules and is using the Wii for your main form of working out, I'm your buddy.

I guess I feel that sometimes if I have someone to report into, I will be more likely to ensure I workout. I consider myself a positive person who has work out pitfalls but not trying to lead a life of excuses. Trying to channel my inner Nike and "Just Do IT!" BTW, I love to laugh too :)

My Wii "games" are: Zumba (M-F), Biggest Loser Challenge (M-F) and NewU (S-S). M-F I change it up between the two games and on the weekends I like to do something more positive energy focused for life balance.

In case there is someone else out there, who could use a buddy like me - let me know! :)