Sugar, The Bitter Truth

cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello Everyone,

I just saw a very good video by Dr. Robert H. Lustig on YouTube called Sugar, The Bitter Truth. I find this great motivation to not snack on sugar foods like donuts. The part that spoke to me is that Americans may be suffering from obesity problems because of the amounts of sugar they are eating and not just from over-eating and sloth. Check it out, tell me what you think.

What I think,
I use to not think sugar was an issue. Now, regardless of what form it's in, fructose to corn syrup, I know it is bad, will increase the chances of heart disease and diabetes. The main reason I am trying to lose weight is so I don't get diabetes. My old boss died from it a couple years back and someone else I met was telling me horror stories about how he couldn't get the medication he needed. I have too much to live for then to allow myself to end up with diabetes when I'm older. The best way to prevent that is to lose weight now, not to mention the other benefits.


  • That's EXACTLY why I've concentrated so much on what I eat! I don't care about looking like a super model (I couldn't afford the daily airbrushing, anyways). I just want to be healthy. I want to live long enough to see my great-grandchildren. I want to be able to keep up with my own kids. I want to worry as little as possible about my health and enjoy life while I'm here! I know how hard it is to avoid bad foods, but when all you have to do is grab something different while grocery shopping, or have a bite instead of a meal out of a cake, the pros SO outweigh the cons!
  • MillieZ
    MillieZ Posts: 8
    My sugar was running 220-260's... my doc said I had 2 choices, lose weight or go on insulin, we've tried meds. I had been exercising on the eliptical for 2 years, lost weight but was at a plateau. I hired a personal trainer, received this website, a weight training routine and a walking routine to follow. I jumped my hurdle. Amazingly enough, in 3 weeks, yes 3 sugar is now running 140-170. Carbs...which in reality are sugars, are my worst enemy. Straight sugar is too, but carbs are like a hidden enemy...anything white flour based spikes my sugar level because our bodies turn it into sugar. The best thing you can do is to exercise and eat the right fuel. Good luck!
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