is it best to exercise before or after eating?

i've decided to start doing my exercise in the evening, instead of the morning, but was wondering if it's best to do it THEN eat tea, or eat tea then exercise?


  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    I do it after dinner, but I've heard before is best, so I am thinking about making the change.
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    I find that working out after I eat dinner makes me feel like I'm going to ralph. Unless you are just going for a walk or something but if you're really getting your heart rate up I'd advise against it.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    The answer is both. You want to make sure you're have something to eat relatively close to when you workout, so your body has enough energy to maximize the workout. After your workout, your heart rate and metabolism are both up, so you're able to burn the calories from the meal easier.
  • becci92
    becci92 Posts: 30
    I find that working out after I eat dinner makes me feel like I'm going to ralph. Unless you are just going for a walk or something but if you're really getting your heart rate up I'd advise against it.

    Yer, thats what i thought! Think i'll go with before!
  • I have been told its best to work out in the am before you eat breakfast. Your body will burn more fat. I try to do this but I feel like I need a little something before I start. But I agree that if I really push myself after I've eaten, I feel so sick :/
  • trudy45
    trudy45 Posts: 83
    Yea I have been wondering the same thing.
    I have been working early morning and by the time I get home I need a nap and then I get dinner.
    Then I would do my exercise but I find after dinner I start to feel sick half way through the work out x
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    It depends on the person. If I exercise before eating I get massive stomach cramps. I try to eat something small or even just an energy drink ten minutes before and then afterwards eat something more substantial.
  • StaLee29
    StaLee29 Posts: 11
    When I work out at night, I'll eat a small amount before (that way I don't feel like I'm going to pass out when working out) then eat larger amount after, as your body is still burning up to 2 hrs after. I often make my dinner before, eat a small amount of that, then save the rest for post workout. It's important to get your carbs/protein around your workout so on days I don't feel like making dinner before I work out I'll have a 1/2 c. cottage cheese and some fruit before hand. Just an idea.
  • zudleymarie
    zudleymarie Posts: 100 Member
    I have always been told before you eat.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    The answer is both. You want to make sure you're have something to eat relatively close to when you workout, so your body has enough energy to maximize the workout. After your workout, your heart rate and metabolism are both up, so you're able to burn the calories from the meal easier.

    LOVE IT!
    Yes - I do a protein shake and a small Greek yogurt 1 hour before my workout then eat roughly an hour afterwards...
    Makes for a MUCH better workout and I'm not dying afterwards
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    definitely best to exercise before eating!

    if you prefer to eat before hand, wait at least an hour before excercising!

    i much prefer exercising on an empty stomach though...and exercise also supresses your appetite, so you might not feel quite as hungry after and not eat quite as much as you would have if you hadnt excercised :)
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I do my aerobic exercise before breakfast and walk a mile or two after dinner in the evenings...
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    I do it about an hour or so after I eat a smaller meal. You don't want to throw up but I find if I work out shower then eat I feel like I'm starving and eat more than a normal meal for me! If you eat after, try a luna bar or something before hand to avoid the over eating!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I go to the gym in the morning, it's the best time for me. I have to eat breakfast before going. The one time I tried it before eating I nearly passed out and wasn't able to finish my workout. I guess it's an individual choice.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    don't start a workout hungry but don't eat right before either unless it's a simple workout. and I always drink choco milk after a workout.
  • woofers1803
    woofers1803 Posts: 23
    Exercising in the morning gives you the biggest metabolic gains for the whole day. If you need to exercise at night, do it before you eat so you at least get some of the gain for the meal that you are about to eat and make sure that dinner is the smallest meal of the day at that rate. What gets me about a pound a day loss at this point is to eat a small breakfast, work out, have a larger lunch, walk the dog for about half an hour, and then a small dinner.

    Avoid energy drinks. Soooooooo bad for you. I've also converted over to not eating anything that is processed and no artificial sweeteners. You feel much fuller through the day eating whole grains and real food instead of processed stuff. Green tea is also a huge help. I drink about half a gallon of iced green tea and an additional gallon of water (live in the desert so dehydration is an issue) a day and that helps with the energy way more than any energy drink ever could!

    If you want a good resource, read Bob Harper's book "Are You Ready". He talks a lot about how what you eat impacts how you feel and gives you a lot of good resources when it comes to changing not only what you eat but how you feel about what you eat. It really hit home for me and has made a huge difference in my weight loss journey.
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    I normally exercise in a morning, i usually have a drink, a bowl of cereal & a piece of fruit around 7.30, exercise for an hour or so around 9am and then have an early lunch around 11 when im starving from doing my exercise... but im lcuky as i can do my exercise anytime of the day really.

    Tomorrow when i swim in the afternoon (4pm) i wont eat properly until after.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I always eat after.. unless i can have something small at least an hour before (for example Thursday night's I'll have a greek yogurt before I leave work before Zumba).
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I'm definitely on the both train.

    I have a pre-workout snack. If it is in the morning, it's more than likely a banana.

    Then I have a more substantial meal about 30-40minutes after.

    if i'm working that day, i normally eat a small snack on the way to work then have a main breakfast IN work at my break.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    i've decided to start doing my exercise in the evening, instead of the morning, but was wondering if it's best to do it THEN eat tea, or eat tea then exercise?

    I don't think either has more benefits than the other. I feel too full after eating to exercise so I exercise before. But I have friends that head for the treadmill right after dinner. Just do what feels right for you.