Fat Burn Zone

SJHiker Posts: 32 Member
I have increaded my exercising and I'm watching the calories, but very little weight loss. I saw a dietician yesterday and she confused me. I do 30 minutes, 3X/week at Curves (a 30 minute circuit training program )and walking/hiking another 3X/weeks, for about an hour each. I'm OK with adding time, but this is what she said about Curves: In the first 30 minutes, I burn off the available glucose. At that time I start the fat burn zone. So, she says to add more time. I said, "OK, I'll come home and walk on those days." She said, if I stop exercising for ten minutes (time for me to get home from Curves) that the glucose returns and I start all over again; I will not go into the fat burning zone. What? Is this really necessary? Does anyone have information on this? :ohwell:


  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I've heard it takes 15-20 minutes to reach the 'fat burning zone' but I do believe that if you stop for a period of time, and then work out again later, that it takes the same 15-20 minutes again to reach that fat burning zone.
  • Deeangelique
    Deeangelique Posts: 17 Member
    hmmmm, sounds a bit naff!

    Ive been told before that the first 20mins of excercise just prep ur body and u dont start buring fat until 20mins + but im not sure i believe it.

    I dont know what curves is, but if you're pushing yourself enough to get into a sweat and get a bit out of breathe, then i think it will be doing you good no matter how long you do. I have started going to the gym for the first time this week, have done 5 days of 20-30mins just using the cross trainer and the bike, and ive lost 2lbs.

    Remember excercise makes fat turn into muscle which ways more, so perhaps its just that whatever excercise your doing is toning you up at the mo. Keep at it for a bit longer, and if it still doesnt work, why not try going to a new class instead - like pilates or zumba which last 45mins to an hour.

    Whatever u do, dont give up! Ur doing excercise which means ur doing great, no matter what anyone says (including the scales)
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Firstly "fat turn into muscle" this is impossible, as fat and muscle are completely different things, you cant change them from one substance to the other. You can replace fat with muscle.

    Secondly, I have also heard this, however I think these is an easier way to burn up the food energy; do your weights first, this them means you use up all your food energy, then when you move onto cardio you are using the fat you have as energy to power through your work out.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    How far away from the Curves do you live? Can you walk there and back? That would get you that extra time if possible. I've heard similar things as well and generally aim for 45 minutes at a minimum.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have increaded my exercising and I'm watching the calories, but very little weight loss. I saw a dietician yesterday and she confused me. I do 30 minutes, 3X/week at Curves (a 30 minute circuit training program )and walking/hiking another 3X/weeks, for about an hour each. I'm OK with adding time, but this is what she said about Curves: In the first 30 minutes, I burn off the available glucose. At that time I start the fat burn zone. So, she says to add more time. I said, "OK, I'll come home and walk on those days." She said, if I stop exercising for ten minutes (time for me to get home from Curves) that the glucose returns and I start all over again; I will not go into the fat burning zone. What? Is this really necessary? Does anyone have information on this? :ohwell:

    It's scary that a supposed professional would give you advice that was so outdated and incorrect.

    I don't know how long you have been on your program, but your problem is NOT that you are spending too little time with exercise and that your exercise is not "fat burning" enough.

    If you have only been doing this for a week or two, you might be fine, but it may just be too soon to see results.

    The biggest thing I see is that you are probably not burning that many calories during your exercise sessions. I'll go into more detail in a minute but, for many/most people, Curves is not a big calorie burner. And, unless you are going at a really vigorous speed or uphill (or both), walking is not either. Expending 1500 calories per week during exercise is considered the minimum, and I suspect you might not be reaching that level.

    Since you are already there, and they have equipment, I would start with the Curves workout. You don't have to do it all at once, but I would recommend that your start to ramp up your intensity as you go through the circuit. You can stay with 12-15 rep sets, and keep the lifting speed controlled, but try to up the tempo and make sure the weight is set so that you are reaching near failure by the end of the set. If you are doing cardio intervals in between the strength, boost the intensity of those as well. Every 3 weeks, throw in a couple of workouts where you increase the weights so that you are tiring out in 6-8 reps instead of 12-15.

    Try to include some faster-paced, arm pumping intervals in your walks as well. It doesn't have to be the whole walk, just maybe 3 min or so out of every 10.

    The fact is that the fuel you burn during exercise has no effect on permanent fat loss. "Fat burning" exercise is a myth. The purpose of exercise is to conserve lean mass and burn large numbers of calories.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Azdak you're the man!!!!