CHALLENGE: Use the side that has less doiminance!

angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Here is a fun and simple way to get your less dominant side into the action.

I just read an article about using your less dominant side to do everyday tasks. It helps work out those muscles that get used less, as well as parts of the brain that don’t get used as frequently.

Anyhow, here is how it goes. Use your arm or leg on your less dominant side. I’m a righty and I just vacuumed my house using my left arm, I would usually use my right. I can feel it in my arm, my back and in my opposite leg. Usually, I don’t get a burn from vacuuming, but using my less dominant side took a lot more out of me.

Today or tomorrow, try using your less dominant side to vacuum, carry the baby, walk the dog, carry your purse, talk on the phone, etc. Hope everyone has fun! :happy:


  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Interesting - I'm going to try this. Thanks for sharing it!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Thats a great idea. I am going to go vacuum right now using my less dominate side!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I was told very early in life about this (4th or 5th grade). They had us practice writing with our lesser hand, brushing our teeth and eating cereal with the lesser hand. I had to stop the teeth brushing though, I'm so bad at controlling my left hand I hurt my gums with my toothbrush!:laughing:

    I have to consistently correct and remind myself to run better when I go out, because my right foot is rather lame, but my left leg is starting to get very upset at the over-correction. It's amazing how hard it is to keep balance on each side sometimes!

    Try brushing your hair or putting in a barrette with the lesser hand, wow it's tough!
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    I'm ambidextrious so constantly switch up which side I use for common tasks just for the fun of it. Some things are more challenging using my right, like sweeping, using scissors and opening bottles, even though I learned to predominately use my right hand to write. It is a good way to keep your body balanced though, and think it's a great challenge!
  • That sounds like it would be interesting to try. I bet I have problems steering it, lol.
  • DerGraf
    DerGraf Posts: 40 Member
    I just slapped myself with my less dominant hand. It is true that it doesn't hurt as much as the other hand. I will train my left arm and try again next week.
  • shelld70
    shelld70 Posts: 106
    If you are a lefty, you just about have to be ambidextrous. I have noticed that when I lift weights I struggle with my right arm. I will definitely try this. Thanks!
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    I'm ambidextrious so constantly switch up which side I use for common tasks just for the fun of it. Some things are more challenging using my right, like sweeping, using scissors and opening bottles, even though I learned to predominately use my right hand to write. It is a good way to keep your body balanced though, and think it's a great challenge!

    Hi i'm ambidextrious too and am constantly switching sides for the fun of it!

    I think I might just keep an eye out tho for things I do majoritly with 1 side of my body and correct myself for the other!

    Thanks for the great topic xx

  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Anyone try carrying their purse on the opposite side? Mine kept slipping off! :laugh:
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