Bad carbs

Hi all, this may sound really silly but, what are BAD CARBS? i've switched from white rice/pasta etc to wholegrain am i on the right track?


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Bad carbs are empty carbs, or high carb foods that do not offer any nutritional value i.e. chips, white bread, etc. Good carbs- fruit veggies, whole grains, etc.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Yep definitely...
    Allow me to post a link from Harvard's website:

    There are several sources out there to get info on it but I try to stick to medical related sites (or medical school in this case lol)

    Hope it helps!
  • my1lastchance
    Yes you are on the right track as Shweedog said. The carbs you eat should be whole grain, nothing like enriched white flour
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It's pretty simple - the closer carbs are to their natural state (before humans do anything to it) the better. Whole grain is closer to the natural state as it's made with all the parts of the grain, instead of just the one part white pasta/bread is made from. Carbs like veggies, fruit, quinoa, yams, oats, barley, etc. can all be eaten with little to no processing by humans. Breads and pastas are more processed, and then you have the super processed carbs (often combined with lots of added sugar and fats) like standard sugary breakfast cereal, pastries, chips, cakes, cookies, etc.

    I try to get my carbs mostly from that first group. I do eat a little from the second group - bread & wraps and soem pasta, but try to keep it whole grain with no HFCS and as few additives/preservatives as I can.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    if you can, just omit all grains. look for things made to be low carb... there's low carb whole wheat breads & such... let your carbs come from fruit & vegetable sources. doing that alone might change everything for you.

    What u hear about carbs is going to vary so greatly from one source to the next... but i'm finding that the theory that our bodies have no real use for grains, sugar & flour... has boosted my weight loss/ inches lost faster, with more energy than anything else i have ever done.