London Visit

My oldest daughter is going with my dad to Denmark for Christmas. On the way home, they have a day layover in London. I want him to take her out on the town, but they only have a few hours (have to sleep a little). Any ideas on what they MUST see? I want to give him some ideas.... ( I know it's a few months away, but I'm a planner)


  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    My oldest daughter is going with my dad to Denmark for Christmas. On the way home, they have a day layover in London. I want him to take her out on the town, but they only have a few hours (have to sleep a little). Any ideas on what they MUST see? I want to give him some ideas.... ( I know it's a few months away, but I'm a planner)
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Right in London -- The London Eye, Big Ben, Thames River (of course right there) tell them to get the roasted nuts -- delish, what else.... Cleopatra's needle (all of these really close together) Trafalgar Square -- Chinatown (fun).
    Tell them to get a tube pass or get to walking they can catch a ton in a day (I walked my bro and sis to death for their visit - only a day as well).
  • shivers
    Well, I'm going to London tomorrow for the weekend, so I'll let you know on Sunday!! :smile: I just got a shock when I saw the title of your post and thought I'd written something without realising it!!! :laugh:
  • tilly6277
    Tower of London is a MUST! The crown jewels make it totally worth it!
  • Steffykins
    The London Eye means they can see all over London! Big Ben, the parliament buildings and the Thames. Trafalgar Square is pretty cool too! Camden Market is a really cool hip young place with lots on interesting and quirky shops and cafes, if she has time for shopping!

    This website might be useful
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Picadilly Square!! and yes the Tower of London -- but that is an all day thing so... depends what you want to do. Shopping -- don't get me started on that... :laugh:
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    With the limited time I'd also vote Tower of London - great history and exhibits; you get a nice feel for the country. However, most airports are ~45 mins away by train; add queueing time on both ends and I'm not sure a few hours will be enough time. Hopefully they can work this out - London is my favorite city!!! Cheers......Mike