Lousy day

Ok, so nobody likes a whiner, so I apologize in advance if I sound like one but right about now I would just really love to hear from some folks who have had experiences like mine and what may have helped lift your spirits back up.

So here's my issue...I've been religiously counting my calories (and staying at or under my goal), working out regularly, and feeling quite proud of myself. Even though I haven't lost a ton of weight yet, I feel like there's a difference and that I'm changing for the better. Where it all falls apart though, is at work this afternoon. I had to go to a meeting in another building in our office complex. The walkway between the buildings is all windows. So as I'm strutting along, feeling great about myself, I happen to glance over and catch a glimpse in the window of the reflection of this giant fat chick with a big bulging gut and absolutely ginormous thighs! Imagine my dismay when I realize it's MY reflection! My body has not caught up with my mind at all, and I know it takes time, but all it took was that brief instant to wipe away all my feelings of accomplishment and now I'm sitting here on the couch, trying to tell myself to go to the gym and work out, but all I can seem to do is keep telling myself that if GOING to work out once or twice doesn't make any visible difference, then MISSING once or twice certainly won't make a difference in the other direction.

Like I said, I don't mean to whine, but how do so many of you who are having great successes keep yourselves motivated when (or if) you get down like this? Or is it ok to occasionally give in for a day and wallow in the self pity? (Yeah, I probably already know the answer to that one!)


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I think we all struggle with thoughts like these at least occasionally.

    But you should take pride in the fact that you are well on your way to making the changes you want to see. If you'd seen that image in January, it would have been more upsetting because you weren't yet taking the reins and making changes. Now, it's just a matter of time before you see a more flattering image because you are doing all the right things.

    The weight didn't come overnight, nor does it go overnight. But it WILL go if you keep on doing what you're doing!

    I also find that it heps if I take measurements. Even when I look in the mirror or fit into smaller sizes, I still don't see how much I've lost. But the measuring tape doesn't lie! So use it!
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    You did it - your whining is noted! :grumble: Now get up and go to the GYM - that will make you feel so dang awesome! One day you will see a reflection and think wow - not too bad - and you will realize IT's YOU! It WILL happen - but not by sitting on that couch feeling sorry for yourself......you have the tools - all you have to do is use them!
    LOL Aren't you glad you posted this!!!! You got this.....now get going! :bigsmile:
  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    I think you couldn't have said it any better.. Your body hasn't caught up with your mind... You're on that dangerous edge where one slip and you're right back to old habits.. Just remember all the positives and it didn't take you over night to get fat.. It certainly doesn't go backwards overnight either.. You'll get there!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I've had that happen too. You're doing well, taking charge of your health. It will take time. Focus on how good you feel about your new eating and exercise plan. Your body will catch up--it just takes a while. Stay strong! You CAN do it!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Right with ya honey! SOO shocked that I am not able to fit into my old pants. How can this be?? I ate spinach for God sake!! But you will get there. It is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Sorry you had a rough day, but that woman you see in your head is in there. Keep at it and she will come out soon!
  • beckyann858
    beckyann858 Posts: 48 Member
    This site is AWESOME and so are all of you! Thanks so much for the positivity, the good suggestions, and the kick in the pants I needed! Almost immediately after posting, I realized there was absolutely no way that my pride would allow me to crawl back on here and admit that I gave in, so I hauled myself off the couch into the gym and ended up working out my frustrations in the healthiest possible way! I showed that elliptical who's boss! :-)