Figuring in Breastfeeding...

edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I am nursing my son and not sure how to count that into my daily stuff... does anyone have any advice. I heard you can burn up to 500 cals a day but he is 7 months old and is eating some solids now and I don't want to factor in burning too many cals.


  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    I've always been told that you should lose no more than a pound a week while breastfeeding so you don't compromise your milk supply. Maybe change your goals to losing 1/2 lb a week to be on the safe side? That's all the info I have. Hopefully others can give more! Good luck!
  • abuzbee
    abuzbee Posts: 2
    On average you "burn" 300 cals/day nursing. I would count that many even if he is on solids, becuase you body is still working to produce the milk. A friend of mine adds her nursing under "exercise". She created an exercise called "breastfeeding" and it nets 300 cals. She logs it first thing in the morning every day. So, she begins the day having "burned" 300 cals! It's pretty liberating, actually! These cals are added to your daily food calories -- so you get to eat them, or not, whichever you choose for each day. Hope this helps.
  • Thanks. I think that is what I was wanting to know. I'll just add it into that then too.
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