I'm losin' it this week!!!

And not in a good way. I planned for a massive eat fest this weekend with rehearsal dinner, family in town, the wedding and the holiday. My goal was to get back on track monday and really follow my plan which i had strayed away from over the past few months. However after my day long hangover of non-stop throwing up on monday i just can't seem to get myself on track. I was decent the past two days but nothing stellar or different than i had been doing. Now i'm overly stressed and i have so much going on i feel like one thing has to go, it's been the eating healthy exercising that has sat on the sidelines for a while but i feel like crap and have no energy and need to be able to exercise i just can't so i have to decide if i'm going to quit my second job and hope it stays busy at my first job, or forget about getting healthy. cuz honestly i don't think i have time for both, not that eating healthy takes a ton of time but when i'm running from one place to another all day long and stressed, unhealthy choices are too easy to make, and with not even a minute to get some exercise in i don't know what to do.


  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    And not in a good way. I planned for a massive eat fest this weekend with rehearsal dinner, family in town, the wedding and the holiday. My goal was to get back on track monday and really follow my plan which i had strayed away from over the past few months. However after my day long hangover of non-stop throwing up on monday i just can't seem to get myself on track. I was decent the past two days but nothing stellar or different than i had been doing. Now i'm overly stressed and i have so much going on i feel like one thing has to go, it's been the eating healthy exercising that has sat on the sidelines for a while but i feel like crap and have no energy and need to be able to exercise i just can't so i have to decide if i'm going to quit my second job and hope it stays busy at my first job, or forget about getting healthy. cuz honestly i don't think i have time for both, not that eating healthy takes a ton of time but when i'm running from one place to another all day long and stressed, unhealthy choices are too easy to make, and with not even a minute to get some exercise in i don't know what to do.
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    You will get back on track. I feel your pain and I am sending you good vibes to do it because you know you can and you will feel better!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    I'm so sorry you feel like pooo. :sick: I feel pretty un-stealer right now myself.

    Now that it has been said, I'm going to be the mommy-voice. :wink: You will feel a MILLION times better once you get back on track. I know that it's really hard to jump on that wagon after you've fallen off. Hard. But here we, the awesome MFP pack, are to slow that wagon and boost you on. (That makes a pretty funny picture if you imagine all of our photos on stick figures.......I digress....lol)

    First thing is to get those awesome fluids rolling! Your body is probably still mad about the actions that lead up to Monday. I know, trying to juggel life and a torked off body and trying to keep things rolling with your weight loss (congrats by the way!!) is NOT easy.

    Look at it this way: If you can fit just two healthy actions into your day today, you'll be a better off than tossing in the flag. It'll take time, but you have gotten this far sweetie!! (And look fabulous!!)

    So grab that water and a salad or chug the water while you walk around the block real fast. It'll stimulate your body to push all the toxins out and to move that water through. By next Monday, you'll be feeling a TON better (unless you repeat the actions from last Sunday.....:tongue: )

    You've got this, girl! :flowerforyou:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    As for the two jobs, see if maybe you can't cut back your hours for a week or two at the second job. Talk to the boss and maybe he/she will work with you. If they won't give you an entire week off, try taking a couple of sick days in a row to focus on the first job and get your head straightened out.

    Money is a necessary evil, but your health should ALWAYS come first.
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    i decided to call in tonight to try to get my head together and the guy just kept telling me i had to be there. way to add more stress to my already stressful week. i told him no i'm not going to be in, it was like he didn't even hear me. UGH!