Ladies......Whose been here.....



  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    ive had the same thing happen to me but it was just after i had my daughter so hormones were running high and i screamed back at them, but at least you had the will power to stick to what you were going to have it just sent me on a downward spiral and i ended up going to the shops and just buying junk food i felt bad after it but at the time it helped. And now im regreting every moment of it as i cant do much with my daughter and that hurts even more so just ignore all the names and keep your focus on your goals.

    i know its a story about my life but it just brought back all the memories of when its happened.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    If you are driving around in a car yelling from your windows there is a good chance you are back-woods hillbilly that never graduated high school. Honestly, that guy made an @$$ out of himself more than anything else. Glad you didn't take it personally...And you are making really tough decisions by choosing to eat healthy while everyone around you is eating chinese....I lose that battle constantly! =) Keep it up!
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    If you are driving around in a car yelling from your windows there is a good chance you are back-woods hillbilly that never graduated high school. Honestly, that guy made an @$$ out of himself more than anything else. Glad you didn't take it personally...And you are making really tough decisions by choosing to eat healthy while everyone around you is eating chinese....I lose that battle constantly! =) Keep it up!

    LOL totally agree here!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    From your photo's - you look like a real beauty. Maybe that guy in the car was looking at the side mirror and yelling to himself (HA). Good for you to not take it to heart - those stupid remarks can hurt - especially when you can respond to them. Glad you were able to finish that walk and enjoy yourself.
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    Kudos to you for making the right walk and get a lower calorie meal. I know how you feel, I had a good friend call me exactly the same thing that stranger called you. And for the record, when I saw your pic, all I saw was a beautiful red-head with a wonderful smile. Keep up the good work! You have the right attitude so go get it girl!

    Oh my gosh, your profile pic is soooo cute!

    To the OP, good for you, I think I would have cracked after that and had the chinese food! What a jerk. I will never understand why people feel the need to do that. I was riding my bike one day and this car full of teenagers drives by and one of them screamed at me on their way by. Nothing mean, just a scream....or I guess that's what it was. Ok I know I was a dumb teenager once too, but I can't imagine sitting there going hey guys...look ahead, there is someone riding their bike, lets scream at them, won't that be fun?

    Darn it! Still getting used to this site, meant to hit quote the first time and I hit reply. Thanks for liking my profile pic!
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    From your photo's - you look like a real beauty. Maybe that guy in the car was looking at the side mirror and yelling to himself (HA). Good for you to not take it to heart - those stupid remarks can hurt - especially when you can respond to them. Glad you were able to finish that walk and enjoy yourself.

    Totally agree here, she is gorgeous! I think car guy knows he could never stand a chance in "you know what" of being with a girl like her so he wanted her to feel bad about herself, instead of him feeling like the loser he obviously is because he could never get a girl like her.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    WTG girl...that dude must really hate himself AND his life, but I'm glad you have the right mindset and that you're so're an inspiration and thank you for sharing!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tfanning1
    tfanning1 Posts: 11 Member
    Very took a situation where you could just crumbled and turned it around into something positive. I will be thinking of you today as I face my daily challenges!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Jerk!! Sorry for that it sucks! Even when I was thin I hated it when people yell things out, rather it be good or bad! I find it just plain rude, more so when at a park with kids!!