Newbie - 1.5 weeks w/ MFP - Lovin it so far!

jcat410 Posts: 10 Member
Hi, like my subject says... I DL'd MFP on May 6. So far I am down 6 pounds (and have another weigh in this Friday). I am enjoying this so far, but have to admit that it's a bit challenging because I looove Happy Hour and dont know how to eat OUT and stay within my calories. Do I have to give up alcohol forever? LOL


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    no! haha. have fun.
  • jcat410
    jcat410 Posts: 10 Member
    no! haha. have fun.

    LOL -- good. Cuz I dont think I could do it!! All work and no play makes me crazzzy.

    Thanks for adding me! This place seems like it's pretty friendly! :)
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    No you don't have to give up alcohol! You can still have it like everything else but in moderation.
    If I'm planning on having a couple of glasses of wine with my evening meal or if I'm going out then I do a bit more exercise during the day so that I get some extra calories, it really is that simple! I've only been doing this 2 weeks and so far lost 9lb and I've not given up alcohol, or chocolate for that matter! lol :laugh: