Fighting the battle but losing the war!

Terri73 Posts: 238
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello all
At 10pm tonight i will be a week smoke free (well a couple of slips in the first few days) .

I am winning the battle of not smoking and over the worst part i no longer crave those things. I'm losing the war with the food, Yes i know munch on healthy food etc but thats easier said than done the lbs are creeping up slowly as to be honest i have filled my week with kicking the smoking and my focus has been on that and only that. Ive logged in but got lazy with tracking food and exercise.
Im hoping i can get back on track with the weight loss.

I also know its a lot to try and do all at once but i figure there is no point losing weight and exercising if i'm not fit enough to exercise to my best ability as i'm on the floor gasping after an intense workout (not literally if you know what i mean lol).

I know i can be honest here and not judged for slip ups just need to know it will all come good if i keep at it.


  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Well firstly I wouldn't be too hard on yourself putting a couple of lbs on in the first week of giving up smoking!

    The health effects of giving up smoking will be amazing, and in the first tough couple of weeks you're bound to have to distract yourself with food, and I don't think that's such a bad thing temporarily whilst you get over the really tough part.

    Now that you've stopped craving just try to distract yourself with other things...I only find I snack if I'm bored! If I keep my mind occupied I don't think of food!

    Maybe with the money you save from not having to buy cigarettes anymore, sign up to an exercise class or find a new hobby?

    And you said about gasping after exercising....a friend of mine who gave up smoking recently found when they first stopped they coughed up awful stuff and felt worse than when they smoked! but that was temporary and just his body getting rid of the bad stuff in his lungs...and he was soon feeling better and hasnt touched a cigarette since, is highly active and loving his new life!

    Just push through these first few weeks and you'll get to where you want to be if you don't give up :)
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    It's easy to be tough on yourself because you feel like you are backsliding. Actually, far from it... it is far more dangerous to be a smoker than to be a little overweight. You need to stay positive and remember that these things take time and as long as you are eating reasonably sensibly now, you will be fine in the long run. Very best of luck.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Congratulations on quitting smoking! My husband is one of the lucky ones who just quit cold turkey and never looked back. It was not a struggle for him at all, but I know he's not typical. His big secret is always having a pack of gum on hand. He put on a little weight at first, too, but since he conquered quitting smoking, he's been quite successful with staying fit and healthy through diet and exercise as well. I think it's a huge victory for you to do what you've done so far. Don't beat yourself up over a few pounds. You are tackling 2 major challenges at once here but you can do this! Focus on quitting smoking as a first priority and just do the best you can with diet and exercise. You can focus on them next. Things should eventually fall into place. :flowerforyou:
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    When I gave up smoking I tried so hard to make sure that I didn't put on weight. It takes a lot of mental focus to change habits you've done for so long, to push through the cravings, to learn how to live as a nonsmoker. I was okay the first week or so but I wasn't capable of concentrating on my weight. It's been 22 months since I quit and I am now starting to work on the rest of me. You will get there. I used the money I saved to buy a Ninetendo Wii, that was the start of my journey. Good luck, you can and will do this. Be proud of yourself for quitting, it's the best thing you could of done!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Terry, the smoking is far worse. You have the groundwork for the weight loss in place. You are doing wonderfully with not smoking. Don't give up on yourself. Remember there are a lot of us who quit smoking on this site to help support. My doctor told me "normal" weight gain when you quit is 10-15 lbs. This is because the nicotine speeds things up. Let your body and mind heal from smoking and just keep doing the healthy things like you have been. You can do this! Gum (cinnamon) is still my best friend since I tend to munch when I get bored. Together we are here for you!
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    Keep strong we are all here behind you, helping you and sending out good vibes lol! Dont take on too much at once, small steps, one day at a time. Xx
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    For sure! You did the absolute best thing you could do for yourself by quitting smoking--that few pounds will be easy to take off once you have it more in the bag and are enjoying better general health. Congrats!
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