Fresh fruits and vegetables help!

B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
So, I am trying to eat as clean as possible with a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Problem is I live with my fiance who doesnt follow my diet, so its just me eating the healthy food. And most times, it ends up going bad before I can finish the things. I know I could buy frozen but it's just not the same and I don't really like it! Any advice??


  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    get your fruit or veg from markets. that way you can get the amount that you can eat.
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    Im not sure where you live but you can buy Stay Fresh fruit and veg bags .... i use them and it doubles or more the shelf life of any fruit i put in them.
    Bananas stayed yellow-- no brown bits for well over 2 weeks!
    Strawberries stayed firm & juicy....not a mushy mess!
    Vegetables such as brocoli lasted at least 2 weeks.

    Gave me plenty of time to eat them...and i can buy extra if its on special offer so i save money too.

    Can be used for any fruit and veg

    You can buy from most UK supermarkets and also online from E*bay & Amazon etc. If you google StayFresh Bags they will come up!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    If possible, only buy what you know you're going to eat in the next couple days. You have to keep going back to the store for more, but you waste a lot less. For the stuff that keeps longer, like apples and oranges, you can buy for a whole week, as long as you know you're going to eat them.
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    Im not sure where you live but you can buy Stay Fresh fruit and veg bags .... i use them and it doubles or more the shelf life of any fruit i put in them.
    Bananas stayed yellow-- no brown bits for well over 2 weeks!
    Strawberries stayed firm & juicy....not a mushy mess!
    Vegetables such as brocoli lasted at least 2 weeks.

    Gave me plenty of time to eat them...and i can buy extra if its on special offer so i save money too.

    Can be used for any fruit and veg

    You can buy from most UK supermarkets and also online from E*bay & Amazon etc. If you google StayFresh Bags they will come up!

    these stayfresh bags have been a life saver for me!
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    buy green bananas! and once they turn yellow, start eating them. if you cant seem to finish them, put them in the freezer and eat it like its ice cream. if you want, you can also make a fruit salad. chop up different kinds of fruits and leave them in a bowl. sprinkle some lemon juice on it to prevent apples and other fruits from turning brown and stuff. hope this helps!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Thank you!!!!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I invested in a juicer last December and get more fruits and vegetables into myself and my family now than ever before. While I use it other times, I will use it especially when fruits and veggies are getting soft or just beginning to turn (sometimes they are even more flavorful then but don't look pleasant to the eye). If you turn the fruits and vegetable into soups, juices, smoothies, and frozen ice pops you might even be able to get your fiance to consume a few more. Last night I made a vegetable soup (7 tomatos, 3 celery stalks, 3 carrots, 1/2 cucumber (a leftover), 1/2 onion (a left over) plus spices -- kind of like a V8.. It made about 5 cups of soup at around 125 calories per cup and it was nutritious and my kids asked for 2nds. I change my recipe every time I make it. The vegetable alone can be a little bland so the key is to add spices or a low calories bouillon. There were no left overs this time but I have frozen the left overs before. I will eat all sorts of vegetables but my children won't. They don't like how they look. But they will eat my vegetable broth so I feel like it's worth the effort.

    With or without a juicer, you could freeze berries and run them with Almond Milk or Yogurt through a blender.