
I stepped on the scales this morning and I gained 2.5 stone (15 Kilos) over the last 8 month!!!! I could cry!
Problem is I started working from home and although I only work 2 days I find it hard to motivate myself to do any exercise. I used to cycle to work which kept me fit. Also, my eating habits have become very bad :-( I used to weigh 100 kilos and lost 30 but now it's all coming back and I am desperate NOT to be 100 Kilos again...I feel so ashamed but I don't know where to start..I've been looking for a physical job but there aren't any out there and they pay rubbish money.
I want to start eating better but feel that without exercise it won't help me to lose weight alone. I am skint an the moment and can't buy a lot of expensive food. I need motivation to start again :-(


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Don't give up just try to modify your diet to fit your fitness level. If you are not doing as much you will need less calories. Change your goals. I lost almost 30 lbs without getting off my *kitten*.