My new Heart Rate Monitor

Amymhis Posts: 30 Member
I have been looking up a lot of info on the Heart Rate Monitors, trying to find the best one that would do what I wanted. There are so many! The GoWear the BodyBugg the Polar brands and newly discovered, the New Balance brand... Holy cow!!! All I really wanted was the heart rate monitor to tell me my heart rate and display calories burned!!! Well, I went the cheaper rout and got the New Balance N4, comes with a chest strap, which I hear you really need for an accurate reading. Well I'm pretty happy I got one, so far so good, I can't figure out how to clear my calories burned without saving it into the data log... but other then that it's really helped me know what I'm getting out of my workouts. I highly recommend everyone look into getting a HRM, regardless of brand. I used to look up on google OTHER people's calorie burns to my workouts (currently doing P90X) and WOW they vary like CRAZY!!!! From 1000+ to 300 calories, it was just insane, so I really wanted to know how much I WAS burning. And I'm enjoying it very much. Helping me push a little harder now! :)

Well I hope you all are successful in your workouts!!! Friend me! Would love to motivate each other!!!

Take care,


  • rlawrimore
    rlawrimore Posts: 72 Member
    I am hoping to get a Polar one for Father's Day.
  • tsnowden1881
    Thanks for posting!! Im going through the same thing right now..I had no idea how many different types and brands they were! it is very overwhelming..I was looking at the exact one u bought I think i may go with that as well since u like it!
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I have a polar FT4. I love it :)