Up 8 lbs in 4 days?!? How?!

I am not sure how this happened. I been doing cardio for 60 minutes a day for the last 10 days burning a ton of calories. I am always under on cals, but this seems outrageous. What am i doing wrong? Please help


  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    All I can say is water and sodium. And if you are building ANY muscle, the muscle fiber will hold on to the water as much as possible.
  • silverwing30102
    One thing I know has failed me is not eating enough. Every time I tried this approach without any cardio at all, I gained weight. How many calories a day are you eating? I eat less than 1500 I won't lose any at all, but gain.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    This happend to me last weekend... I ate 1 really high sodium meal and immedatly gained 6 lbs!!! You retain a lot of water by training really hard too. I have been drinking 2 cups of green tea a day and all of the 6 lbs has come back off!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    When you start a hardcore exercise routine, I think your muscles tend to hold onto water a little more. Keep an eye on your salt intake and make sure you're drinking lots and LOTS of water. Drinking water is vital to weightloss to keep your organs functioning fully efficiently.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    i say take a rest day. those are as important as work out days. ;) are you eating enough too? by the way 10 straight days is amazing, but still rest day! :)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Change the battery in your scale? Mine registered a gain when I knew there was no way I had gained. A new battery did the trick!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Also, it's only a fluctuation, it's definitely not a 'gain'. So don't worry about it. It will come off pretty damn quick with careful food choices and drinking a buttload of water.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Did you use different scales to usual, and also sometimes weighing yourself midweek is ineffective- I reckon after you wait another 3 days it will have a more accurate result?
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    -drink more water

    -eat all the calories you're supposed to (and most of your exercise-earned calories)

    -don't weigh yourself more than once a week for a more accurate reading

    -check your scale battery :)

    -even if none of this explains the situation, keep going. your scale will eventually reflect your efforts.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my I gained 6lbs in a 5day span and just nearly passed out. It has taken two weeks for almost 5 of the 6 to come back off. I believe it was sodium and maybe needing to increase my calorie intake. If you aren't eating enough calories and working out hard, you may hold on to or gain weight...crazy phenomenom but so very real. I actually bumped my calories the last few days and weight came off. I just don't get it. I hear that eating more two days a week a few days apart will help you to keep losing weight because the body doesn't get used to the lower calories and realizes it isn't being starved.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I recently started getting back into running again after a long stretch of nearly 3 months having done nothing thanks to an injury. I found that i gained 2 pound within a day! It is definitely your muscles retaining water.

    The last time i stopped and started training I had a giant flux of weight when i first started due to my body getting used to eating more and burning more - plus i wasnt drinking enough water!
  • amalsam
    amalsam Posts: 8
    My scale seems stuck... but I realized I am building up muscle... so while I sit at 237... the flab is getting replaced by muscle... but I agree with other respondents... watch the sodium and drink a LOT of water (I drink on average 24 cups a day!!) Just keep at it... you'll get there!! :)