P90X Newbie!

pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
edited 1:38PM in Fitness and Exercise
I picked up P90X last night and I am already looking forward to starting it up either tonight after kickboxing or tomorrow on my day off. I have been doing Shakeology for 3 weeks now and the energy level is great. I can feel myself getting stronger. The weight loss hasn't been that much so far, as I have been doing my weight training again. I actually work out 5 days a week on my lunch hour, have been doing kickboxing 3 days a week. Kickboxing is finished at the end of this month so I decided that I need to fill in the gaps.

I have read the Fitness Guide and the Nutrition Plan. I have so many questions!! According to my weight (235) my RMR is 2350. And that my daily burn is 470. What is my daily burn consist of? Also it says that my energy amount is 3420. According to the chart my nutrition level is 111. Is this how much calories I am supposed to burn while doing P90X? Does this calorie level decrease? How in the world am I going to consume that many calories. I am already couting my calories with myfitnesspal.com and I am stayiing with in my given calories. As I am already doing Shakeology for my breakfast, is that going to comprise this meal plan?


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Since your on Shakeology and have P90X I'm going to assume you have a BB coach? These would be really good questions to ask them. Or if not I have P90X and I'll pull the book and read it again and get back to you. Add me as a friend and send me a priv. msg if you still need answer.

    Have a fit day,

  • AceH826
    AceH826 Posts: 19 Member
    Your RMR is your Resting Metabolism Rate - i.e. the amount of calories to just "breathe, pump blood, grow hair, blink, - to be alive"
    Your Daily Activity Burn is the amount that given to "move" but does not include exercise
    Your Energy Amount is the estimated calories needed in order to do breathe and move AND do P90X.
    You take your Energy Amount to the Nutrition Level and that tells you how many calories a day you need to do P90X; you're at Level 3 so you'll need 3,000 calories to do P90X and live.

    The levels go down as your weight goes down and is probably recognizable by plateaus (I haven't gotten that far with it yet, today's Day 5 for me).

    You actually helped me to see that I was taking in too many calories for my level, so thanks! :)
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Since your on Shakeology and have P90X I'm going to assume you have a BB coach? These would be really good questions to ask them. Or if not I have P90X and I'll pull the book and read it again and get back to you. Add me as a friend and send me a priv. msg if you still need answer.

    Have a fit day,


    Yes I have a coach, and I have also sent her a message. Just looking for others with their opinions. :)
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    P90X is not designed as a weight loss program so there really is no caloric deficit built into it. It is for people alreayd close toi their ideal weight. When I started I was supposed to eat 3,000 calories. I got on the beachbody message boards and more experience people told me I needed to planin a deficit. I eat 2,300 calories a day and droped 16 pounds in each of my first two rounds. I'm a 6 foot tall male by the way. The wmoen I've known that have had success ont heprogram generally eat 1,800 or so calories a day. Eat that, don't worry about your exercise calories, just try ot hit 1800 a day and in the ratios the fitness guide suggests, which is 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20 fat for the first month.

    Nutrition is the key to the results of the program. It is also the hardest part. The workouts are easyas you just pop in the dvd and do it. Easy to follow I should say. Nutrition needs to be planned and consistent.

    You can do it.

    Day 40
    P90X Round 5
  • Hey congrats on starting your P90X journey! I've done Insanity & now 12 days away from completing Asylum and will start my 1st round of P90X 6/6. I honestly don't follow the nutrition guide to a T. I just eat 5 meals a day(1/2 Shakeology for AM & PM snack), use a HR monitor & track my calories burned & intake here. My weight has been coming off consistently so I must be doing something right;) I would ask your BB coach like pp mentioned.

    Keep pushing play and GL in your journey! I'm excited for you:D
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Since P90x is not a weight loss program, the calories are basically set for maintenance and perhaps even muscle growth (no flaming on that statement please) I set my calories significantly lower and closer to the MFP goals because I am actively trying to lose weight - but still ensuring I get enough carbs/proteins/fats and I eat back most of my exercise calories - I am on Day 67 and I have lost about 17 lbs doing P90x and MFP in that time frame..
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    thanks for all the feedback!
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