Calling all runners out there!!:)

sla0814 Posts: 240
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm training for my first marathon this fall and I'm super excited about it! Anyone else out there enjoy running or training for a race soon?

Running has always been apart of my life from my very heaviest to where I currently am right now...It's given me the best results and I fall in love with it more everyday.

What are you training for? What are you most excited about?:)

Add me as a friend!:)


  • Loralu
    Loralu Posts: 6
    I'm training for a little 5km to start of with. But I just discovered that I was running with the treadmill set to miles, not KM, so was freaking out when I was dying after 3...sooo..its going better than I thought, I can run it in 35mins. I think I'm going to enter a 10K after this one.

    What marathon are you training for?
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I am training for a marathon on Nov 12th. It will be my second one.
  • I would love to run a 1/2 marathon in December. We'll see! Right now I'm getting ready for a 5k Marine Mud Run in June!
  • dandydalek
    dandydalek Posts: 158 Member
    Finished my first 5K about a month and a half ago and now I'm slowly working my way up to a 10k. I've kind of been distracted lately, but I'm going to get back at it any day now!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Currently in training for the Disney marathon in Janurary. I'm having a ball. :)
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm training for a half marathon in October, although i dont feel like im makeing any progress at the moment!

    Would love some tips off anyone who wants to share any?!

    Im up to 5k in around 30 mins at the moment but just cat seem to get my distance up.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I am training for my first 5k on memorial day!
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    I ran my first half in APril and loved it...I currently have TONS of races scheduled for this year (look in my signature for a full list).
    I added you~
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I'm training for two half marathons (one in July and one in Sept). Does that count as a whole marathon??? LOL! I hope to do a full marathon next year when both my kids are in school. I just can't devote that much time to training right now. I did my first half last July and I hope to crush that time. I'm hooked on halves. I haven't convinced myself that I REALLY want to do a full one yet! :o)

    Best of luck on your marathon!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Training for the New York Marathon in November!!! My first! So excited!

    Here's a fall marathon support thread for anyone who wants to join!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I'm training for a half marathon in October, although i dont feel like im makeing any progress at the moment!

    Would love some tips off anyone who wants to share any?!

    Im up to 5k in around 30 mins at the moment but just cat seem to get my distance up.

    Go the distance and don't worry about the speed yet. Do at least 2-3 "short" runs (2-3 miles) per week as fast as you can and one "long" run (4+ miles) per week at a pace where you can still talk. Increase your distance by .5-1 mile every week. There are some great training programs online. You should look some up and see what schedule fits you best. :o)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I ran my first race (5K) on Saturday and am training for a half marathon in September!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    Wow, good to see lots of people sharing the same passion for running as I do! I'm training for the Detroit marathon this fall. I've run a couple half marathon's, 25k, and 10k's in the past.

    I have a great website for those of you that want to track your mileage and connect with other people that love exercise. is amazing!

    I love MFP and truly enjoy the community that is here but check out if you have time.:)
  • austrya
    austrya Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in the process of becoming a runner. I'm currently in week 5 of the couch to 10k program. I just started using MFP yesterday to keep track of my calories and so far I'm really liking it.

  • is amazing!

    friend me up
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I use Daily Mile too!

    I just ran my first half marathon May 1. I am planning on doing another one in October and November. I have some 5K's and 10K's scheduled from now until all through the summer, and the warrior Dash in august.

    I am using the Run Less Run Faster program now - i just started it. It is HARD!!!!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Just finished my 1st full. Looking to do another in mid-late september.
    Likely that I'll do some 5K's & maybe a half over the summer as well
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm running my first marathon on June 25th - the Seattle Rock & Roll.

    And I'm on dailymile too:
  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    I am training for the Bix 7 road race. Its a 7 mile race, in Davenport, IA. It draws about 15,000 runners each year, so it will be a big crowd there. I am a little worried about the hills. The whole race is on hills, the only flat spot is the first quarter mile and the last quarter mile. But it should be a fun time. Anyone that wants to give it try should look into coming out for it.
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