Using Pully Weights Instead of Free Weights



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    don't condone steroids on my thread...go hijack someone else's with your pathetic attempt at educating someone

  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    They are totally long as you are challenging your muscles to make sure that last rep or two is hard to comlete you will get results all the same.

    I could not agree more!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I would recommend free weights all the way. As has been mentioned before, they work so many more muscles besides the isolated ones that the machines do. Sure it is better than nothing though and you will still get a good workout / get stronger, but basically the more muscles getting used, the more weight you can use and the greater the results.
    Plus the best way to get more stable with them is to go ahead and use them. Start off with a lighter weight, something that you can easily lift as usually at first the weight flies around a bit and it can take a couple sessions to get used to the balance of it all. Once you have the balance you'll be able to move up a weight :)

    Also, I can understand will all the "juice monkeys" and big guys taking up the free weights room and the mirrors it might not seem the most inviting place at first, but you have as much right to be there as they do, go ahead and jump in and most of them will be completely fine with it. If you go up and ask one of them how many sets they have left you can find out when they're likely to be finished with a certain weight/equipment and alot of them ask if you want to do your sets in between theirs if they have quite a few left.
    The gym I attend is FULL of big guys lifting heavy weights and flexing their muscles in the mirror, I am the only girl there besides one other who I see occaisionally. Alot of them are on steroids and I hear them talking about them all, but they're still nice people, will say hi to me and are used to me being there now, using the weights too. I don't feel pushed out, as I just jump straight in.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    don't condone steroids on my thread...go hijack someone else's with your pathetic attempt at educating someone


    So much love on this thread.
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