Not feeling it lately. :(

Last week was my final week of graduate work, so I was obviously very busy. I didn't go to the gym, but I did take a run with a friend on Thursday. I told myself that once the hell week of final papers and my thesis defense was over, I'd hit the gym again full force.

But then I hit the plateau.

I've been stuck at 166 for about two weeks now. I changed my pounds lost per week from 2 to 1, hoping that by eating more often during the day I can boost my metabolism. I also thought that my body might be getting used to my workout routine -- elliptical and running on alternating days, and weights 2-3 times a week. So I figured, maybe by taking a break during that week would help jolt my body back into submission.

Now that I have time, I have become so unmotivated. I'm just two pounds shy of half-way to my goal. I half-heartedly log my food and then snack when I shouldn't. I don't "feel" like going to the gym (I made myself go on Monday) and I'm generally frustrated and back to hating how I look. At least when I was working, although I wasn't totally happy, I was excited that my body was changing. You would think that would be enough motivation, but it's not. I always say, "I can go to the gym later today." And you know what happens then -- I don't go!

How do you guys get out of a funk like I'm in?


  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    That seriously happened to me last week, between working over time, birthday parties, batcheloret parties, something to do every single night after working full time I was like "I am not going to the gym" Then the weekend came, I slacked, then this week I really didn't want to go anywhere.

    I just got out of it yesterday, mine was the motivation of a friend. She texted me Tuesday afternoon and in the tone of Sassy Gay friend from Youtube she sent

    "What are you doing? What what WHAT are you doing? Oh thats right, your lazy b***h a** is going walking with me, 10 minutes, park BE There!"

    It made me laugh and realize that I really did need to go to the park, unfortunately I couldn't go because I was working over time, so I told her that Wednesday would be better, and best believe that she texted me and was all "GET TO THE PARK!" we got there, we walked, my 2 year old goddaughter was there running and acting a fool.

    Sometimes all it takes is someone telling you to get up off your bum bum and go to the gym! It made me feel better instantly to have that exercise... so now I ask you

    What are you doing? WHAT what WHAT are you doing!? Oh that's right, you are going to the gym tonight and doing 15 minutes on the elliptical! Want to know why? Cause it will get your blood flowing, your endorphins pumping and your can do attitude back in full swing! C'mon Crazy! Let's go to the gym! 2 lbs is NOTHING compared to how far you have come! Giving up now is just silly <3

    Do it, DOOOOEEEET!!!! <3 And if you want to send me a friend request. I would be more than happy to help keep you in check!
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    I think you might be my favorite person EVER for quoting Sassy Gay Friend! We are stupid *****es! ;) THANK YOU for taking the time to make me smile and I am going have some breakfast and go to the damn gym!