Familiar with the app, new to using the website!

Hi there, everyone! My name is Megan and I've been using the MFP app off and on for around two years now. I just started using the website and I'm looking to make some more friends on here for some motivation! I'd love to help motivate you, too. A little about myself, I'm 22 and recently gained about 100 pounds over the course of a year and a half. Poor food choices and little exercise led me here and I'm ready to make a change! I've always been stuck around 180-200 pounds but with the help of MFP, I got down to 165 two years ago. I shot right back up plus MORE when I stopped being dedicated. I'm currently 254 and was 270 at my highest. Any motivating words would help me a lot! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!


  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend ! We can encourage and motivate each other !
  • stuart1960
    stuart1960 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Megan, i too have just found the site and app and am hoping it will help me with my weight loss, I am not very good at resisting nice but high Cal food! I need to lose around 42 pounds to get me back into ideal weight zone. More than happy to have you as a friend. Good luck.
  • AlanYee
    AlanYee Posts: 4
    Welcome, Megan! I friended you back because I noticed you were another young person. Given your age, I assume it was partly the college lifestyle that led to the weight gain? In any case, it's good you're deciding to make a change. A month ago, I decided that six months of horrible eating and sporadic exercising during my first year of college was enough, especially after I was close to gaining the dreaded Freshman Fifteen. I hate to think how much I would weigh at the end of college if I hadn't forced myself to cut down on a lot of the junk and schedule in regular exercise.

    If you need motivation and encouragement, I'll gladly give it.