What do you consider to be skinny?



  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    120-130 for anyone else, really depends on the height though. I like curvy girls, though... Me, I've been 80lb and still thought I was a whale. :laugh:

    Isn't it interesting how we see ourselves and how we see others?? When you have a distorted view of yourself, you really don't have any idea what you actually look like when you see yourself in the mirror! It is quite frustrating actually!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    For me, I don't want to be skinny. Skinny to me is unattractive. I'd probably be skinny at anything under 120. I guess when I think of skinny, it's the same as the term obese. Both are unhealthy and, in my opinon, unattractive. I'd probably classify someone as skinny if they were near or already underweight.

    I'd prefer to be thin, but I doubt I'll ever get there or want to work at staying there. Thin for me would probably be between 130 and 150. But a good, healthy weight where I would be happy with my body is 160 at 5'8". That's in the upper end of my healthy weight range. I'd probably still have some meat on me, but I'd be happy.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I want to add that I don't think skinny = unhealthy or too thin. I think that everyone feels comfortable at different weights and with different amount of curves. I like to stay on the curvier side, so I am aiming at the upper end of "normal" weights for my height, and I don't see taht as skinny. I would see someone on the lower end of healthy weight as skinny. Getting below that healthy weight range is when it gets to be unhealthy (IMO).
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I think for me skinny would be between 130-135 lbs. I am 5'8" and am around 143 lbs right now. I got down to 132 lbs after my brother died but that was because I was so depressed, not eating, and not working out, not because I was fit. I am trying hard to get back down to that weight, but its much harder when I'm doing it the right way. If I get to that weight and feel I'm too skinny, I can always come back up a few pounds.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    I'm 5ft7 and a year ago I was 115lb, that for me was perfect for me! I'm small framed though.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Everyone's skinny is different. In general if you are at or below the bottom end of your BMI, you look too thin, so that's my definition of skinny.

    People have in the past called me skinny, which is just plain stupid as I never have been. I have always been within my healthy range, and I have a small frame, so have always had a good covering of flab. Given that I have never been and my lowest weight was 112 lbs, I would say for me, below 105 lbs. Maybe 110 lbs these days.

    If your ribs show at the back, you are skinny. How about that?
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    I just want to get rid of my muffiin top!!! :o) I'm 5'7" ish and would be very comfortable at 145 but would LOVE to be 140. I think that would work well for me.
    Me too. I'm 5'7" and would be happy at 150 - but 145 or 140 would be wonderful. Can't even quite imagine it now. I think 130 would be skinny for me.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I felt great at 175. I was thin and super happy with my body. I'm 5'10" and either have a ridiculous amount of muscle mass or big bones or whatever, because I have yet to see anyone at 200 with the same structure as me. :s
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm 5'9 and for me 150 lbs is skinny...I have 10 left (but I'm happy with the way I look now) :)
    ditto! I have about 15 left to go before I reevaluate and decide whether to keep going.
  • muddmorris
    muddmorris Posts: 6 Member
    My goal is to have an athletic body again.... my "skinny" weight would be 150, I'm 5'8". I've got 128 lbs. to go....
  • ohdear1986
    ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
    i am 5ft 7", 128lb and a uk size 8. i don't consider myself as "skinny" when i look at pictures i think i am Nskinny" but in the flesh isee different
  • cookie_raider
    im 5'5 and am 142.

    I think 112 would mean skinny to me! long waayyyy to go yet
  • Clovergirl17
    Honestly, when I think of skinny, I think of supermodels who think they are 'fat' if they can't count each and every one of their ribs. 'Skinny' has negative conotations for me.

    Right now I weight 356.2 (I started here on MFP almost 6 weeks ago at 370.6). My first big goal is to get to 220 and see how I feel and look then and go from there. If I'm happy at that, then I'll stop, but if not then I will adjust and go down.

    I'm 6'0'', so I feel that my height hides quite a bit of my weight, especially because no one believes me when I tell them that I am over 300 pounds.

    For my ultimate 'happy' weight, I would probably say about 180, simply because I'm so tall. Much thinner and I think I would start counting my ribs :|.

    My 'Skinny' and gone too far weight, would probably be about 140-150.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    "Skinny" for me would be anything less than probably 140lbs [I'm 6']. Right now I'm trying not to concentrate on the pounds, but toning and firming up, and building muscle. I've been "skinny" before...but usually fat skinny. I don't want to be that way anymore.

    I sometimes get too obsessed over the scale and get too thin. Like I said, for ME, anything under 140 and I would be too skinny.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm 5'4", small frame.

    I was 102 pounds a few years back (one month I was actually 99! eek) and I was too skinny. Stick arms and shoulders, ripply tummy because it was too small and overall gaunt look. Looking back I was stressed at my job and not eating. Plus I was doing only cardio.

    I'm 110 pounds now and it is just right (like Goldilocks! LOL). I like an athletic muscular look with toned arms and shoulders and muscles showing in my quads.
  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    I am 5'7' and currently weigh 216. I am very muscular so my ultimate weight would be 175. If I go below that great, but that is my target. I started at 269 so 175 looks pretty darn good to me. My next goal is 215 so that is just right around the corner.
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    "Skinny" for me would be anything less than probably 140lbs [I'm 6']. Right now I'm trying not to concentrate on the pounds, but toning and firming up, and building muscle. I've been "skinny" before...but usually fat skinny. I don't want to be that way anymore.

    I sometimes get too obsessed over the scale and get too thin. Like I said, for ME, anything under 140 and I would be too skinny.

    Yep! I've been 'fat skinny' too - I'm glad to have left that girl behind.

    I'm 5'10 (and a half) and 145 lbs. Lean and lanky, though I've been too thin before. I was 123 lbs when I got pregnant with my first daughter. I was very sick and depressed at the time. I feel and look very fit and healthy today.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Im 5'3" and I weight 142 yet because that is muscle, I look a lot thinner than someone who weighs the same but is made up of more fat. So for me I would say that I am skinny, but not as muscular as I would like to be.

    This is me as well. I'm 135. I'm looking skinny. I want to get to 130-128 and then any skinnier I will look "too skinny". I'm into size 6 pants, I have lots of muscle toning going on. 115 and I'll be anorexic looking! This has always been true for me. Even though BMI has me only one pound into "normal" I'm heavier for a short person, though not big boned, not gushy mushy.
  • Rosi3
    Rosi3 Posts: 28
    Skinny to me is having no flabs, jiggly arms and thighs. Its to have a toned body and muscles. I have lots of areas with fat that I need to work on.. :/
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Skinny to me is having no flabs, jiggly arms and thighs. Its to have a toned body and muscles.

    To me that defines "svelte." Skinny is when you have a squared off torso and stick limbs because your shape is determined by bone, rather than muscle.

    For me at my height (5'6") and age (58 in a few days) that would be anything much under 135 or maybe 140lb. I'm currently a size 8, 148 lbs, and as always, have an "apple" build. While my butt could definitely be higher and firmer, my thighs have never been particularly flabby - even at my heaviest - and are OK the way they are now. So is my upper torso. The problem areas that remain are my flabby and somewhat thick belly and upper arms.