Sitting all day=super death in the face



  • Alaranio
    Alaranio Posts: 75
    It doesn't sound like you're going to have super death.... You are by no means lazy! That being said are you aloud or would you try using a large fitness ball to sit on at work? I used to do that when I had a desk job. It took dome getting used to and some funny looks. But, it helped my core and balance too. (totally depends on how casual your job/office is)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I have heard that too. I just left my desk job and I can't wait to be on feet all day at work. (not saying you should leave your job) I would have loved to have gotten one of those standing work stations and stood at work all day instead. If you can' t do that, just make sure you get up and walk during the day as often as you can. I used to stand when I was on the phone, just to get off my butt.

    It's hard. Best wishes to you.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Drink a lot of water. And take the long way to the bathroom farthest from your desk. That should add a little speed walking to your day.