Hello from NH

danh603 Posts: 16
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,
Just joined today and not sure what to expect.

I am 49 years (young), Diabetic, and need to lose some weight so that I can get off the meds.

I know how good exercise is for me, but for some reason, can not get myself to do it. I love how I feel after I exercise, like I am King of the World. I love to do Yoga, walk on the treadmill, and I have been thinking about getting a small trampoline.

I am looking to get encourgement, ideas and suggestions, as well as offer advice.

Thanks for reading my posting.


  • Hello everyone,
    Just joined today and not sure what to expect.

    I am 49 years (young), Diabetic, and need to lose some weight so that I can get off the meds.

    I know how good exercise is for me, but for some reason, can not get myself to do it. I love how I feel after I exercise, like I am King of the World. I love to do Yoga, walk on the treadmill, and I have been thinking about getting a small trampoline.

    I am looking to get encourgement, ideas and suggestions, as well as offer advice.

    Thanks for reading my posting.
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    Hi danh603. Welcome. I think you will really enjoy the site.

    Since you seem to know what exercise you enjoy, it seems like you just need to make it a priority and set aside the time to do it. Look at it like you have no choice but to do. I have a "day planner" I guess you'd call it. I use it to keep track of everything... work events/meetings/tasks... family appointments/events... and I write my exercise right into that calendar.

    For example, every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. I have Hip-Hop aerobics written into my calendar. If or when something else comes up that I need to attend, I can see that scheduled on my calendar and schedule my life around it. I do the same thing for the other days and exercises I like to do. I know that a lot of people wouldn't consider 7:00 in the evening isn't the ideal time to exercise. But it is a schedule that I can stick to... gives me time to plan for Dr. appts, school activities, work activities, preparing and eating a healthy dinner and still allows for a reasonable bed time.

    Try playing around with your schedule and see what time slot works for you. For me the key is writing it down.
  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    hi danh 603 welcome! You will love this site!
  • thanks for the great suggestions, I love the idea of putting in a planner...I have tried that method, but for some reason, when it comes time to do it...I fail.....

    how do you stay motivated, and, how do you get yourself to that point of motivation that it becomes habit. I just can not seem to make that connection, it's frustrating as all get out!!
  • Welcome Danh603 - I started out by just walking for 10mins a day on the treadmill, they say it takes 14 days to replace a bad habit with a good one and it worked for me, know I am walking 70 mins
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Welcome Danh603 - I started out by just walking for 10mins a day on the treadmill, they say it takes 14 days to replace a bad habit with a good one and it worked for me, know I am walking 70 mins

    Wow girlie! 70min? Just yesterday, for the first time mind you, I was on the treadmill for 60min. and at an incline of 6.0!! I don't know what got into me. I usually get on for 30-35 minutes, but for some reason, it would get down to 5min. and I would bump it up for another 5min. Yayee me!
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    how do you stay motivated, and, how do you get yourself to that point of motivation that it becomes habit. I just can not seem to make that connection, it's frustrating as all get out!!

    Motivation... hmm, that's always the tuff part, isn't it? I can't say that I really know what motivated me until I got into the "habit". I can tell you what motivates me now that I've developed the habit... telling myself "just do it" and/or "it's my only choice". Of course the success I've had is also a good motivation (people commenting that I look good, clothes fitting more comfortably, etc.). Moreover, just knowing how much better I feel personally when I do it as opposed to when I whimp out and skip. I always regret missing and then run a high risk of backsliding into eating something bad because I feel bad about myself.

    I think, for me, the key to forming the "habit" of exercise was finding a time that worked. A time where I couldn't as easily make an excuse for not doing it. I tried early in the morning, before work, but found it difficult... well actually, impossible to make myself get up earlier. I tried fitting it in immediately after work but found that often times I had to make an appointment which impeded my ability to form the habit (plus I had to cook dinner). Anyway, I found a time that worked for me... and stuck with it!

    Although I don't consider 7:00 p.m. the ideal time for a workout, it is ideal for me because it is the only time frame where I can tell myself "no excuses... get out there and do it... you will feel better about yourself once you've done it". And I do feel better about it.

    I lost 14 pounds but I've got to say I'm more excited about what I've gained... healthy habits!! Don't give up. You will find a time that works for you.
  • Welcome, we're glad to have you with us. I totally understand about geting motivated about exercise (the ugly "e" word!).

    Try this: stand up straight, head up, shoulders back and stretch your arms high and then to each side. Stand on your toes and stretch your calves. Breathe deep several times and then repeat. You'd be amazed how energizing that can be. Take that energy, together with a "CAN DO" attitude, and get on the treadmill. You'll feel great after! :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck!

  • andlofly....

    great words of encourgement and wisdom....it almost brought tears to my eyes, as I truly understood every word that you wrote.....and, it encourged me to really think about some things....

    In the past, I have exercised first thing the morning, thinking that I would feel energized for the day....in thinking about my life, I am thinking that maybe at night would work better, not sure....I do cook dinner for my family, and I am diabetic, so the 7pm is intriging, but also scary at the same time for those same reasons....then, I think about how I have a tendency to "couch eat" at night....so, maybe....I will give it a shot...

    THANK YOU for the bottom of my heart for those wonderful insightful words...
  • :smile: hi denise.....

    love those suggestions, I feel as if it will also get me ready for Yoga as well...and get me in the mood to want to do it.

    Thanks for sharing, I truly appreicate it and need it....:smile:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I actually exercise in the morning. That is what works for me. I get up and get the kids ready for school and then put them on the bus and I usually have 45 minutes to an hour before my young one wakes up so I say this is the time that I have to do it. Today I exercised tonight because it is the weekend so I didnt get up early enough to do it before the young one got up and I couldnt finish my workout. Usually on the weekend my hubby is here so I go walking instead of my dvds but he is at the race this weekend so it is just me. I have only been on here for 3 weeks but I feel guilty and restless if I dont do some type of exercise. I tell you one thing that I love to see is when I put in my exercise calories that I burned and then see how much more food I can eat that makes me feel great. OF course half the time I cant eat that many but I try and I still count my calories also so I try to eat healthier.


    Oh and welcome to the site. You will love it.
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    THANK YOU for the bottom of my heart for those wonderful insightful words...

    You are most welcome. It's not often that my words inspire others... I'm feel honored.

    Have you figured out a time slot that works for you yet?
  • sorry that I haven't been for awhile....I found coming to this site, exciting and helpful...but, like anyway, that feeling went away...

    it's been a bad couple of weeks and I haven't recorded my meals, or done any exercise...I went and bought a mini trampoline and in my mind, I have my basement set up with a treadmill and trampoline to exercise, but guess what? it's not done, nor have I done any exercise...I am mad at myself for that...

    I always have great ideas and have the hardest time executing them. I think that my Diabetes plays into that as well

    thank you all for your kind words, please still keep them coming
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