Hip Hop Abs Reviews wanted

KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
Hi all ... I rarely start a new topic in the forum but decided to ask a question here for all of you who have done it. I am looking for honest feedback from people who have done Hip Hop Abs. First, let me give you a little background on me.

I have completed 1 full round of P90X Classic, completed 2 1/2 months of P90X Lean and am currently in week 2 of a 3 month P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Clearly I am in pretty good shape. I hit my goal weight in February of this year and am NOT looking for a huge calorie burn mainly because my burns are lower at this weight and level of fitness while actively exercising but my metabolism is working at a higher level and, therefore, I am burning more calories while NOT exercising.

My abs and obliques are in good shape from doing P90X, ARX and, now, Cardio Abs. I just need some more "oomph" in that area to shed the layer of fat that appears to not want to go away.

This is what I want from you;

How effective is the Hip Hop Abs workout?
Have you seen results?
Are the moves doable and easy to learn (meaning, will it be a month before I learn the moves thereby making the workout less effective).

Any other feedback you want to give me.

BE HONEST. I am not looking to be "sold" on Beachbody products, I am a firm believer in them ... I am not a coach, I don't want to be a coach I just want honest feedback ...

Thanks in advance :)


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hip Hop Abs is a fun enough workout, but it won't be challenging for you Karen. It has some choreography, but not as much as Turbo Fire. I don't think it would take you a month to catch on. Surprisingly, I really like Shaun T's Rockin' Body workout. It's not very well known. He uses light weights, high reps, and a lot of compound moves. It gives a good burn without a lot of confusing choreography to learn.

    Regarding abs, the Brazil Butt Lift ab workout is tough. It's 16 minutes long and seems harder than Ab Ripper X.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I've done Hip Hop Abs and I honestly got bored pretty quickly. If you've done the others, this will NOT challenge you!! I'd say it's more of a beginner program than it is for someone who's been there & done that type deal. The choreography is easy to catch on to, but the discs are repetitive so it gets very dull and boring very quickly (IMO). It's good for the first 2 weeks and then you're dragging to do it.

    I didn't find it all that effective as far as results went either. But again, just me.

    I'd go with turbofire if you want some cardio conditioning that is more of a challenge.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hip Hop Abs is a fun enough workout, but it won't be challenging for you Karen. It has some choreography, but not as much as Turbo Fire. I don't think it would take you a month to catch on. Surprisingly, I really like Shaun T's Rockin' Body workout. It's not very well known. He uses light weights, high reps, and a lot of compound moves. It gives a good burn without a lot of confusing choreography to learn.

    Regarding abs, the Brazil Butt Lift ab workout is tough. It's 16 minutes long and seems harder than Ab Ripper X.

    Thanks darlin' ... I think I am just being impatient. I think I will see more core results from this hybrid with Insanity so I should just finish this out and then take measurements. I mean I have nothing to complain about thus far my result was going from a size 12/14 to a solid 6 (or an 8 on those sodium days LOL) ...
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I've done Hip Hop Abs and I honestly got bored pretty quickly. If you've done the others, this will NOT challenge you!! I'd say it's more of a beginner program than it is for someone who's been there & done that type deal. The choreography is easy to catch on to, but the discs are repetitive so it gets very dull and boring very quickly (IMO). It's good for the first 2 weeks and then you're dragging to do it.

    I didn't find it all that effective as far as results went either. But again, just me.

    I'd go with turbofire if you want some cardio conditioning that is more of a challenge.

    This is the type of feedback I am looking for! Thank you!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I assume you are following the nutrition plan(s) for whichever workouts you are doing? Abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. :flowerforyou:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Agreed. I've done HHA and it's totally fun but not very challenging for someone at your fitness level.
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    I was out of shape when I took on Hip Hop Abs YEARS ago and I really enjoyed it. For me it was a workout but you are in shape so it won't be challenging but it can be that DIFFERENT workout you are looking for. It's not hard to learn or follow. I lost weight doing this program and I think if you are looking for something different, it's a good choice.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I assume you are following the nutrition plan(s) for whichever workouts you are doing? Abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I know this and eat well :) thanks!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I assume you are following the nutrition plan(s) for whichever workouts you are doing? Abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I know this and eat well :) thanks!
    I figured. You know what you are doing.

    As long as you keep it up, the fat will melt away and those six-pack abs will eventually pop out. High-protein all the way.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    My little sister has been doing hip hop abs for 2 weeks now and she lost 2 inches of her waist. I tried the excersises myself but after doing Insanity this was no challenge for me. Today I had to do 3 different hip hop abs workouts to feel some form of lethargy. The hips bum and thigh workout however friggen hurts! XD
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Damn just realized this is an old thread LOOOL
  • SvelterSkelter
    *NOTE: I know this is an older post, but chances are 'someone' will also arrive here via a Search Engine. So, when I initially made the order for Hip Hop Abs, I was inconveniently kept on the phone for over 20 minutes! I was constantly being bombarded with other unnecessary sales pitches for other Beach Body products, which I made clear that I was not interested in. It seemed that the sales rep was not interested in 'my time' as she proceeded to go on about other products.
    To add to this trying experience, what started off as a $19.95 purchase with free postage, turned out to be extremely misleading. 'It only applies in the U.S.'? I live in Ontario Canada, which is between Michigan and New York.
    The worst, is that I received my package today. It appeared a little mangled, so I opened the package to inspect the contents. There were only 3 Disc's? The commercial showed a total of six, as there were to be extra bonus disc's for ordering within a specific time, -which I did. I removed Disc #1 and when I turned it over, it has a nasty smear of 'something' on the Disc!? I was absolutely appalled in that they would send me an obviously 'used and returned' product! If they're willing to underhandedly do this to customers, at least make sure the Discs are clean to try and cover their tracks! Had I of known that they were that sneaky, I would have ordered it on ebay for much cheaper price. You can get a 6 Disc set on ebay for $10.00 and FREE shipping! But, I didn't want 'Used'.
    Upon reading the return information, I discovered that not only do I have to pay to return this product, but I only receive the product purchase price!? It will cost me an additional $18.00 to send this package back with tracking. What a scam and farce, and I am Beach Body's victim! I will not lose another cent as a result of the extremely poor integrity of the Beach Body company. What a foul way to do business. I cannot express enough how disappointed I am.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    When I ordered mine each disc had two programs on it. so you probably do have all 6 in there just doubled up.
  • TowardsAHealthierMe
    TowardsAHealthierMe Posts: 3 Member
    This may be an old thread but I was still interested to read it since I'm looking for a beginner level program. Plus I wanted to post a reply to see if one of those nifty little markers would appear to let me brag about my pounds lost. I'm just starting out so nothing compared to GuamyBear - still every pound lost needs to be celebrated!
  • Rissy84
    I started to do Hip Hop Abs about 2 weeks ago. I found that if I use it as a warm up for my lifting or yoga, that I feel it more. I agree that by itself it does not do the job that you would expect (marketing always up sells results). But as an all around fun work out that gets you pumped and really into the workout mood. Its works wonders for me. Plus he's really positive in the encouragement that you are given, which is always a plus.
    All in all, its not the independent workout that it claims to be, but it does keep you inspired to continue working out.
  • staceylcash
    I have been doing hip hop abs for 2 months. I have been working out for about 6 months total but i needed a change, nothing is giving me "fast" results like i want to see because i wanna see my belly fat melt away lol. But since i started hip hop abs, i have lost about 2-3 lbs and 3 inches from my waist. About a inch off my thighs and 1/2 inch off my upper arms. I dont have alot to lose. Just the remainder of fat from having my third child... Hes 2 now! Ugh lol i feel like if i would do the new t25 workout by shawn t or even insanity, i would get my desired results within a month or 2. By the way i love hip hop abs, it took my about maybe a week, if that, to learn all the moves. im just so impatient with any workout. I thought since i was small i should be able to get a fit nice body quick... Not true for me. I guess i gotta go for some extreme workout. I wish the t25 was not so expensive or i would buy it now lol. But even with what i have said, i still recommend hip hop abs, i mean, i lost pounds and inches. But justnot quick, but you know, with every workout its going to take time to get fit..... I just feel like i should ALREADY be where i want to be lol
  • amberrose_724
    amberrose_724 Posts: 6 Member
    I recently got back into hip hop abs after a long break about 3 days ago and already have lost 3 lbs. with moderation diet, no junk food.ab sculpt is a little tough, but total body sculpt is tough for me right now.
  • SupermanRitz
    I'm going to be completely honest, HipHopAbs is completely useless. It doesn't do much for the abs in terms of sculpting them, it's more of a cardio session and meant for people who do not workout at all to get off the couch for a bit. Also, the constant, cyclical crunching/hunching over with the increased intra-abdominal pressure isn't the greatest for your spinal column and intra-vertebral discs. You say you've done P90X before? You're going to get very bored of this quickly.
  • sarahvrogerson
    sarahvrogerson Posts: 2 Member
    I've started to use this after suffering from a slipped disc - achieved after an insanity type class at a gym! I'd been doing the class for months so don't know why I slipped a disc. Anyway, I've just started the programme and for someone who's had an injury it's great. If you're used to his other programmes then I think it wouldn't be so much of a challenge.
    - Fingers crossed I can get back into Insanity once my core and my back get better!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I suggest finding a bunch of people in your local area, that have the kind of abs you want - and asking them which 30 Day video they prefer.