Zumba for Wii?

I'm thinking about getting Zumba for Wii. Thoughts, opinions?
Does it give an estimate of calories?


  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    I have had it for three weeks.I have lost quite a few inches,and even after the 20 minute one,IM SWEATING like a pig! I love it since its more of a game like exercise.It doesnt tell you calories lost though..wish it did. I give it two thumbs up (other than the graphics)
    Good luck!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I love zumba for the Wii!!! I got to the point that I took it with me when I travelled to visit other family and friends that I knew had the Wii game system. It doesn't really estimate the calories, but you can log it in MFP under "Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist"
  • xochitlg1974
    Love zumba for the wii! I do regular zumba classes at the gym, and when I can't make it, I put on the zumba for wii. I get an awesome workout! I would say if you can't make it to the gym, or too shy to do this in a class setting, the Zumba wii is awesome!
  • cfrasson
    cfrasson Posts: 5
    I love it! Honestly, if you try your best at it, it comes close to burning the same amount of calories as an actual class.